Writing Workshops
Upcoming Events
Past Events


May 14th and 15th, 2024: “(K)Nights of Writing”

December 6th, 2023: “Writing Against Power and Oppression”

September 6th, 2023: “Success with College Writing: Get to Know QC with FYE” in collaboration with First Year Experience

Host or Request a Workshop

If you’d like to collaborate with the Writing Center to host an event, or if you’d like to request a bespoke writing workshop for your group, please email us at qc.writing.center@qc.cuny.edu. If you’re an instructor and you wish to request a 10-minute introduction to the QC Writing Center, please complete and submit a class visit request

QC Writing Center

Location: Kiely Hall 229
Email: qc.writing.center@qc.cuny.edu
Phone: 718-997-5676