Welcome to the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department

We offer 7-week in-person introductory chem courses for majors and non-majors, Organic chem 1, and Biochem during summer. Class schedule will be available shortly. Registration begins March 10, 2025. 

About Us

The Queens College Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers American Chemical Society-certified courses in Chemistry and Biochemistry. Our undergraduate and graduate programs include existing BS, BS/MS and MS degrees in Chemistry with specializations in Chemistry and in Biochemistry.  In conjunction with secondary education, we also offer BA in chemistry education leading to NY state 7-12 chemistry certification. We strive to offer an integrated, broad-based, challenging educational experience to imbue students with the intellectual, experimental, and on-line interactive skills necessary to perform effectively in any field related to the chemical and biochemical sciences. The educational goals and pre-professional training of our programs are designed to deepen a student’s molecular perspective of the natural world with modern, quantitative and mechanism-based approaches, and to equip the student with the skills needed to thrive in the workplace.

Chemistry MS Program

The Chemistry MS program offers coursework and laboratory training for students preparing for careers in health, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, and computational areas, or who plan to pursue PhD programs. Financial support is available for qualified stude​nts through fellowships, or positions as teaching or research assistants.

Recent Publications

Chen Group


Choi Group
Hersh Group


Jang Group


Rotenberg Group


Pathak Group


Mirkin Group


Wang Group


Office Information

Chair: Dr. Sanjai Pathak

Deputy Chair: Dr. Jianbo Liu

Associate Chair: Dr. Yu Chen

Secretary: Ms. Elizabeth L. Zoiner

Office Assistant: Ms. Kelly Barth

Remsen 206

Tel: 718-997-4100, 4482​

Email: chemistry@qc.cuny.edu


Advising Hours

Advising Hours:  Email kelly.barth@qc.cuny.edu to schedule appointment with advisor. Spring 2025 advising schedule

Free Chemistry tutoring: Queens College Learning Commons provides tutoring for many subjects including chemistry. Chemistry Honor Society provide free tutoring services for chemistry students. Click on the appropriate link for more details.

Major/Minor Forms: To declare a major/minor, Gen Chem 1 completion and department approval is required. Fill the online form (LINK) and send it to Kelly.Barth@qc.cuny.edu. Also, see program advisor during advising hours to plan your courses/career.  Dropping a major/minor DO NOT require department approval and students should submit the form to service help desk.

Department News and Events



    • Feb 24, 2025: Department Seminar 11:15 AM to 12:30 PM, RE 105. Dr. Timothy Benseman, Department of Physics, Queens College. “Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 high-temperature superconducting devices for terahertz applications: 
      Laser sources and Josephson Plasmonics.”
    • Mar 3, 2025: Department Seminar 11:15 AM to 12:30 PM, RE 105. Dr. Samantha Lushtak, Senior Directory of Safety, Security and Sustainability, Community Transit.


  • Spring 2025 Seminar Schedule Link
  • The 28th annual Thomas Hayden Chemistry Demo Show is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday Jan 6, 2026. For more information, contact Prof. Pokay Ma (Pokay.Ma@qc.cuny.edu).