Welcome to the Asian American / Asian Research Institute (AAARI)

Office Information
Interim Dean: John J. Chin
Office: 25 W. 43rd St., Suite 1000
New York, NY 10036
Phone: 212-869-0182
Fax: 212-869-0181
Email: info@aaari.info
Established in Fall 2001, the Asian American / Asian Research Institute (AAARI) is a CUNY-wide research and resource institute that facilitates and disseminates research, scholarship, and educational resources on policies and issues that are relevant to Asia, Asian America and other Asian diasporas, including timely concerns that pertain to New York’s diverse ethnic subgroups of Asian descent. AAARI cultivates a network of regional, national, and international scholars and practitioners of Asian American/Asian Studies and other fields to offer an intellectual hub that serves as a bridge between CUNY and Asian American/Asian communities in New York City and beyond.
AAARI also offers a university-wide space for resources, community-building, and leadership development for Asian Americans/Asians at CUNY. AAARI’s approach centers research and education in service of community, and this commitment informs all of its work.