” Discimus ut Serviamus: We learn so that we may serve”
Welcome to Transitions to Teaching
Transitions to Teaching, is a community dedicated to students who are considering becoming elementary school teachers. TtT, connects students with other students who share similar interests and questions about becoming a teacher, and also with faculty, advisors and other professionals who can help find answers.
TtT is a hybrid community, offering ways to be involved both face-to-face* and online. (*TtT has been entirely online since March 2020). TtT does not involve extra course work or assignments, instead it offers presentations, online chats and activities that address questions and concerns about becoming teachers.
About Us
We are a community dedicated to students who are considering becoming elementary school teachers.
Queens College
The City University of New York
65-30 Kissena Blvd, Flushing, NY 11367
Connect with Us
Help us create a record of how we’re all managing during this difficult time – something we’re thinking about right now:
One way the coronavirus has changed your daily life …
Or you can post on Instagram and tag us @transitionstoteaching
Transitions to Teaching is supported by the Graduate NYC Innovation Fund.