Welcome to Macaulay Honors College

Office Information
Honors Hall Room 19
Honors Lounge Room 18
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
65-30 Kissena Boulevard
Flushing, NY 11367
What is Macaulay Honors College?
Macaulay Honors College is the honors college of The City University of New York, inspiring and preparing high achieving students to solve the challenges facing New York City, our nation, and the global community. Queens College is a participating college and annually enrolls a cohort of scholars.
Macaulay students enroll as undergraduates in one of eight CUNY colleges and take additional specialized courses. Macaulay students graduate with a dual degree from Macaulay Honors College and their home campus.
In the program students receive:
- Ability to apply for a grant to pursue global study and other experiential learning experiences
- Special interdisciplinary seminars using NYC as resource and text
- A “cultural passport” providing entrée to the riches of New York City, including concerts, theater, art, science and history museums, and galleries
- Honors Advisement – Macaulay advisors provide you personalized guidance and support, identifying unique opportunities specifically tailored to your interests, talents, and needs
For more information: https://macaulay.cuny.edu/about-macaulay/
What is the Macaulay at Queens College Program
The Macaulay at Queens College program is a program designed to support Queens College students accepted into Macaulay. This program provides 1:1 advising, full tuition for all four years of college, priority registration, access to a Macaulay lounge, a Spring and Fall book stipend, and a small cohort of 60 Macaulay students.
Macaulay Seminar Classes
Macaulay seminar classes take place over the course of your freshman and sophomore years. Students will take a total of four seminars in their undergraduate career.
Arts in NYC (HNRS 125)
This course starts during the fall semester of freshman year and immerses students in the Arts. Students get to experience theatre performances, music performances, and operatic performances as well as art exhibitions over the semester. Students have the opportunity to examine multiple perspectives of scholarship, creativity and production.
For more information: https://macaulay.cuny.edu/academics/nyc-seminars/arts-in-new-york-city/
People of New York City (HNRS 126W)
During the spring semester of freshman year, students have the chance to investigate the role of immigration and migration in shaping New York City’s identity.
For more information: https://macaulay.cuny.edu/academics/nyc-seminars/people-of-new-york-city/
Science Forward (HNRS 225)
During the fall semester of sophomore year, students will focus on scientific thinking for a variety of different fields of study. Students have the opportunity to participate in Bioblitz where students have the opportunity to work with scientists to observe and track organisms in NYC parks.
For more information: https://macaulay.cuny.edu/academics/nyc-seminars/science-forward/
Shaping the future of NYC (HNRS 226)
During the spring semester of sophomore year, students learn how public policy shapes urban development. Students come together to create a research project that is presented at a cross-campus conference.
For more information: https://macaulay.cuny.edu/academics/nyc-seminars/shaping-the-future-of-new-york-city/
How to Apply
Interested in applying to the Macaulay at Queens College program?
Visit the Macaulay Admissions page: https://macaulay.cuny.edu/admissions/applying-to-macaulay/
For part of the Macaulay application, you are required to submit two essays . Please visit the Macaulay website for the essay prompts.
For more information: https://macaulay.cuny.edu/admissions/applying-to-macaulay/essay-questions/
FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)
10 things before you attend Queens College
What makes a student standout for MHC?
MHC is dedicated to exercising a holistic review approach to every student’s application. We like to see each applicant as an academic and individual seeking development and growth in all aspects of their life. Some of the things we look for in a student’s application include volunteer and community service, strong academic grades, extracurricular engagement, creativity and innovation, and leadership.
For more information on MHC’s application and our approach to student applications, please visit the MHC website.
Website: https://macaulay.cuny.edu/admissions/admissions-requirements/
Will SAT/ACT be required for this year’s application? If so, what scores do you need to be considered for Macaulay Honors?
CUNY is Test-Optional
The City University of New York (CUNY) has implemented a Test-Optional policy for the next two years. Applicants for 2025 to 2027 applying to Macaulay Honors College now have the option of submitting copies of their standardized test (SAT/ACT) scores. Please review the information and FAQs on the SAT/ACT Test Optional Policy available here.
What is the meaning of Test-Optional at Macaulay?
Test-optional means that applicants have the opportunity to submit their standardized (SAT/ACT) exam scores to Macaulay for admissions. Applicants can also opt-out of submitting their (SAT/ACT) exam scores to Macaulay for admissions.
How can I learn more about the expectations of Macaulay Honors College?
Please review the Macaulay Student Handbook to learn more about student guidelines and expectations.
Handbook: https://macaulay.cuny.edu/docs/macaulay_student_handbook.pdf
When will I receive my Macaulay Honors College at Queens College Admission decision?
The MHC admission notification process is a two-step process:
1. Beginning in mid-February applicants will be notified of their admission decision as General Freshman.
2. On March 17th, Macaulay applicants will be notified of their admissions decision into Macaulay Honors College
May I appeal the admission decision I received from Macaulay Honors?
Admission decisions are final; there is no appeals process. However, we encourage you to explore the range of other academic and honors programs available to you across CUNY’s senior colleges.
Macaulay Honors College FAQ’s: https://macaulay.cuny.edu/admissions/faqs/
If waitlisted, how will students be notified if they are selected from the Waitlist?
The Macaulay Honors Program at Queens College will be in touch in early May if a seat becomes available. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at macaulay@qc.cuny.edu.
What is my place on the waitlist?
We are unable to provide additional information of your place on the waitlist. Please rest assured that if an opening becomes available, you will be contacted directly by the campus selection team. We encourage you to explore the range of other academic and honors programs available across CUNY’s senior colleges.
How do you become eligible for the Macaulay scholarship?
In order to be eligible for the Macaulay Scholarship, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and a NYS Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) application every year of enrollment.
*Macaulay students must meet CUNY’s New York State residency requirements for in-state tuition in order to receive the tuition scholarship. The scholarship funds 8 semesters of full-time undergraduate study. Tuition scholarship (excludes any University Fees)–The amount of the scholarship is equal to tuition cost LESS any TAP, NYS HESC Scholarship, CUSTA, PELL, NYS TAP waiver, NYC Council Merit Scholarship, and other tuition-only scholarships received, if applicable.
What does the Macaulay scholarship entail?
The total of the Macaulay tuition scholarship is tuition charges remaining after financial aid and other scholarships, including federal, state, and local scholarships and grants, and those awarded by or through CUNY, its schools, and affiliated entities apply to the tuition costs
For more information: https://macaulay.cuny.edu/admissions/tuition-and-merit-scholarship/tuition-information/
Are there dorms for Macaulay students and does Macaulay cover the cost?
There are no dedicated dorms specifically for Macaulay Honors students, but Queens College’s residential hall, the Summit, is available for students.
For more information on the Summit, please visit https://www.qc.cuny.edu/sa/
Where is the immunization form, and where do I submit it?
For a copy of the immunization document, you are required to complete and submit prior to registration, please visit the Queens College Health Services.
Please visit the Health Services Department here: https://www.qc.cuny.edu/health/wp-content/uploads/sites/71/2021/02/QC-ImmRecordForm-0918.pdf
What are the tuition costs for Queens College students?
A full breakdown of the tuition costs and fees for undergraduates can be found on the bursar’s website.
Please visit the Bursar’s Office here: https://www.qc.cuny.edu/br/tuition-costs/
Where can I register for a tour of Queens College?
Queens College offers virtual and in-person tours. To register for a tour, visit the Undergraduate Admissions Department.
Please visit the Admissions Department here: https://www.qc.cuny.edu/admissions/visit-qc/
Do Macaulay students get metro cards?
Macaulay Honors College does not provide Metro Cards for students.
Are there any Discount on Metro Cards for CUNY students ?
Low-income New Yorkers can apply to: https://www.nyc.gov/site/fairfares/about/about.page
Commuter Benefits Program – Commuter Card Unrestricted Plan
In extreme situations if students feel they have to choose between buying food or a metro card for school, please visit the QC Emergency Fund Resources website.
If you have further questions, please contact petriegrant@qc.cuny.edu.
Any questions we didn’t answer? Check out the Macaulay Honors FAQ too!
Friedman Scholars
For more information: https://macaulay.cuny.edu/admissions/friedman-transfer-scholars-program/
Gray STEM Scholars
For more information: https://macaulay.cuny.edu/opportunities/special-honors-programs/gray-stem-scholars/
Contact Information:
Taruna Sadhoo Director taruna.sadhoo@qc.cuny.edu Honors Hall Room 24
Navdip Hans Senior Advisor navdip.hans@qc.cuny.edu Honors Hall Room 19 B
Varinia Grannum Senior Advisor varinia.grannum@qc.cuny.edu Honors Hall Room 19A
Sarah Ramsaroop Program Coordinator sarah.ramsaroop@qc.cuny.edu Honors Hall Room 23
Email contact Macaulay@qc.cuny.edu