Masters Program

- The Master’s program provides opportunities for students to learn about current issues in urban affairs.
- Courses are taught by researchers and by practitioners, including government officials and directors of community-based organizations.
- We offer many evening courses as well as occasional weekend or online courses, which allow students to learn in a flexible environment.
We invite applications from students with undergraduate or M.A. degrees who are interested in preparing for professional work in urban administration, organization, and policy in the public and nonprofit sectors. We do not require GRE Scores, but we want students who seek to become leaders in urban affairs.
If your undergraduate GPA is 3.0 or greater, you can apply to matriculate. If not, you can be admitted on a probabtionary basis, or apply for non-matriculated status. To apply, you should apply through the online process.
For more detailed information regarding the admissions process, please visit the MA APPLICATION CENTER to apply.
- Graduate Current Course Offerings
- Advisement Center for Current Students
- See a sample syllabus of the introductory required class, Social Justice in Theory and Practice (URBST 705)
Information about financial aid can be found here. Scholarship information can be found here.
Career Options with MA in Urban Affairs
Graduate Advisor
Admissions Advisor
Prof. Melissa Checker
Department Chair
Graduate Admissions Advisor
MA College Assistant
Degree Requirements
Students are free to choose from among any of the department’s MA-level non-required courses. See our MA courses page for a full listing.
Writing Requirement: Students must demonstrate competence in urban research writing by passing an evaluation or by taking URBST 620. Urban Research Writing.
Final Project: Students must complete a final project based on original, community or studio research and presented in the form of a report or paper, or as a video, art, or web exhibition.
Remember: In order to graduate, you must have an overall “B” or 3.00 average or better. During the semester before you plan to graduate, you must submit for review a final project.