1. Are you a graduating high school senior with an interest in studying mathematics and becoming a teacher?

Apply today to join the TIME 2000 family!

2. Are you a QC student with a passion for Mathematics and becoming a teacher?

Discover if you qualify to join TIME 2000 and unlock scholarship opportunities. Email QCTIME2000@qc.cuny.edu for individual advisement about your application.

3. Are you already in TIME 2000?

We invite you to join our “Todays Tutor’s, Tomorrow’s Math Teachers” (MT4) Tutoring Club and develop the teaching skills that shape the next generation of learners. You can also revisit your high school to help recruit future students, mentor new TIME 2000 students, and share your ideas for program improvement. Your voice has the power to make a difference!

4. Are you already a math teacher?

Share your passion for teaching mathematics with your students by recommending your top seniors to apply to TIME 2000. We would love you to bring your juniors and seniors to our annual conference, “Celebrating Mathematics Teaching.”  Share a favorite lesson at the conference and/or give a presentation at a monthly TIME 2000 seminar to inspire our undergraduates.

5. Are you a graduate of TIME 2000?

Share your teaching journey at our Presidents’ Week seminar in February, mentor aspiring TIME 2000 student teachers, or step into the role of a cooperating teacher. Have fresh, innovative ideas for the classroom? We’d love to feature them in the TIME 2000 Newsletter or hear them directly when you connect with our dedicated faculty and staff!

For more information on how to get involved, please email QCTIME2000@qc.cuny.edu!