Social Studies Education
Goals and Philosophy
The Queens College pre-service social studies program in the Department of Secondary Education is committed to a goal of preparing critically minded prospective teachers who are knowledgeable in the history and social science fields they have chosen as their major and minors, and who are skilful practitioners of instruction balancing content and process to achieve thoughtfully formulated didactic, reflective, and affective goals for student learning.
We seek to prepare prospective teachers who, whatever their specific major, are capable of stimulating and guiding their middle and secondary students to identify, analyze, and reflect on essential themes of American and World History, and the other social sciences which Social Studies draws upon. In the process of developing the intellectual, academic, social, and technological skills, secondary school students will have the opportunity to discover, debate, and research important past and current issues and problems. Our social studies teacher certification graduates will also be preparing their students to become active participants in a multicultural, democratic, urban society that is undergoing rapid social and technological change, and is increasingly connected to and part of a complex global network.
The program, at the pre- and in-service levels, focuses on the planning and design of classroom activities, instructional units and projects that address national and state standards in history and social studies. Prospective social studies teachers examine and experiment with teaching techniques and strategies that connect with and motivate students from diverse cultural backgrounds, varying skills and preparation levels, in an urban setting characterized by density, immigration, and language problems. Special attention is paid to working in inclusive, multicultural, urban classrooms.
Faculty Advisors:
Dr. David Gerwin
Office: PH 150A
Phone: 718-997-5159
Email: david.gerwin@
Dr. Meredith Katz
Office: PH 150P
Phone: 718-997-5176
Email: meredith.katz@
Dr. Jay Shuttleworth
Office: PH 150W
Phone: 718-997-5181
Email: jay.shuttleworth@
Dr. Melanie Waller
Office: PH 150P
Phone: 718-997-5153
Email: melanie.waller@