About Us
“Into the Woods” is a program created by the Consolidated Edison, Queens College, GLOBE NY Metro Program as part of a four year NOAA Environmental Literacy grant. The program supports New York City Elementary School Teachers by enhancing content knowledge about the earth system as they extend their classrooms outdoors into nature. We train teachers to design and supervise grade-appropriate research projects using GLOBE protocols in local parks; support them during those projects; and host annual research symposia during which students present their work. Into the Woods’ template of immersing teachers and students in environmental research is becoming a national model for improving environmental literacy in all school systems.
Into the Woods starts with five Elementary GLOBE books that link science, math, and literacy. Fiction becomes reality during field training that use GLOBE books as blueprints for how teachers can guide their students to conduct their own research to enhance understanding of the environment. The classrooms continue to evolve into school stewardship and service learning in partnerships with parks and environmental organizations.
The NYU Wallerstein Collaborative for Urban Environmental Education works in partnership with Into the Woods to connect teachers to the resources, materials, and strategies required to successfully implement environmental education, outdoor learning, service learning, and hands-on experiences across all grade levels and curriculum areas.

Office Information
Location: Queens Hall, 258B
Phone: 718-997-4268
Program Specialist: David Jakim
Phone: 516-509-3294
Service Learning Partner: Mary Leou
Phone: 212-998-5474
Service Learning Partner: Tania Goicoechea
Phone: 212-998-5464
David Jakim
Important Dates
2017 Fourth Annual Symposium: June 9th
About Our Endeavor
This website is a collaborative space for the Into the Woods community to share and publicize information and content for the world. Featured contributions include:
- Classroom Adventures, Service Learning Projects, and Photographs
- Resources for other teachers such as educational activities, media, place-based learning opportunities, grants, and scopes and sequences
- Events for the Educator Event Calendar such as nature walks, professional development workshops, and seminars
- Word from the Woods (stories on the environment)
Our Resources Page has a number of resources that you don’t want to miss:
Lists of resources by subject contributed from Into the Woods participants, staff, and partner organizations. All resources covered during Into the Woods workshops are listed here.
An equipment library loan page that lists equipment available for borrowing.
A list of selected readings
A list of selected grant opportunities
To contribute content or for questions, email David Jakim at David.Jakim@qc.cuny.edu
Tip: For easy access to this web-page, use the following shortcut: www.qc.cuny.edu/itw
This web page was prepared by Queens College/CUNY under award NA12SEC0080010 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or the U.S. Department of Commerce.