Timothy Eaton
Associate Professor
Science Building, Room E212
Phone: 718-997-3327
Research Interests
I am a hydrologist and geologist with interests in both surface water and groundwater, modeling and field observations to understand hydrologic exchanges, and the use of subsurface geophysics to characterize the shallow subsurface. Recent projects involve the analysis of high-resolution hydraulic head measurements and groundwater flow modeling to analyze groundwater recharge, and interpretation of geophysical data to infer the history of glacial deposition in the Hudson River valley.I have also investigated tidal estuarine dynamics, issues of stormwater control, water quality and discharge of combined sewer overflows (CSO) in coastal waters, as well as the environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing as it relates to energy policy decisions in New York State. Other collaboration includes research on carbon assimilation in forests using eddy covariance methods to investigate ecosystem exchanges. I also have a longstanding interest in the potential for constructed wetlands to treat CSO discharges in the New York City urban area