Peer Mentors are undergraduate students in the SEES department who have been recruited by faculty to serve as role models, advocates, and allies for students.

SEES Peer Mentors are excellent students, but they are also individuals who have demonstrated maturity, leadership, and emotional intelligence during their time in the department. They work directly with our introductory lab classes (ENSCI 99, ENSCI 100, and GEO 101) to support students with lab reports, study strategies, selection of majors and/or classes, and orientation to Queens College in general.

Adriana Zumba-M


“I am a junior majoring in Geology. Science has been an interesting topic for me since I learned about climate change in elementary school. I want to keep learning about Earth’s past, its systems, what it could look like in the future. I am a peer mentor because I enjoy helping students with understanding topics in environmental science and offering some of my knowledge from my past few years in college.”

Alyse Jofre

Environmental Science

” I am an Environmental Science major with varied interests in conservation, paleontology, and pedagogy. As a peer mentor, I hope to help other students enjoy learning too and assist in navigating any difficulties they may have in their studies.”

Caleb Stewart

Environmental Science

“I am currently an upper freshman and I am majoring in Computer Science. I am interested in algorithms and the whole world of computing that is underneath everyone’s screens!I am a peer mentor because I want to make as much of an impact as I can, while also being able to actively teach college level material to people just like me!”

Emily Albines


“I am a senior studying environmental science because the natural world has always fascinated me. Water (especially estuaries) has always been a subject I want to focus on. I am fortunate to be a peer mentor for Geology 101 this semester as I hope to share tips and tricks to succeed in the class and in the geosciences as well. I hope to motivate students to stay on the path of geosciences as there is always demand to help the Earth.”

Hannah Goykadosh

Environmental Science

“Hi! I have always had a strong interest in environmental science and loved the lab experience when I first took ENSCI 100. I chose to become a peer mentor to facilitate this experience for my peers. I’m really looking forward to learning with my fellow students this semester and sharing my experience and knowledge. I am always here to help! .”

Yaacov Strickon


“I’m a Junior studying Environmental Science with a specific focus on rivers. I love learning about ecosystems and the ways they function. I am a peer mentor because I enjoy science and love that I can do it as a job in undergrad.”


Peer Advisors are SEES majors who serve as student ambassadors.

Julia Sandke

Environmental Science 

“I’m working towards my second bachelor’s degree. I’m interested in conservation as a tool to mitigate global climate change, as well as the role of the ocean and other water resources in finding solutions for our warming planet.”