Marc-Antoine Longpre

Marc-Antoine Longpre

Associate Professor
Volcanology and Igneous Petrology

Science Building, Room E214
Phone: (718) 997-3259

Research Interests

My research interests lie where volcanology, igneous petrology and mineralogy mingle and mix. In the field, I examine and sample tephra and lava sequences to reconstruct the eruptive histories of volcanoes. In the lab, I analyze the chemical composition of volcanic rocks and their constituents (volcanic glass, minerals and their inclusions) to decipher the dynamics and timescales of magma reservoir and eruption processes, such as magma crystallization, mixing and degassing.

More specifically, I’m particularly interested in the following topics:
• Crystal records of magmatic processes and timescales
• Melt inclusion records of magma degassing
• Petrologic monitoring of volcanic eruptions
• Deep volatile fluxes and mantle geodynamics
• Environmental impacts of volcanic eruptions 

Recently Funded Projects:

Collaborative Research: Linking 3He/4He with eruptive behavior: A time series analysis of recent Kilauea, Iceland, and La Palma eruptions, NSF EAR, Award #2232532, with F. Horton and P. Barry at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

CAREER: Reactivation controls, timescales, and styles at quiescent hotspot volcanoes: Insights from the Canary Islands, NSF EAR, Award #1944723

Collaborative Research: Sulfur isotope systematics and oxygen fugacity evolution in the AD 1257 Samalas magma reservoir, Indonesia, NSF EAR, Award #1820185, with R. Economos at Southern Methodist University

Trigger mechanisms of compositionally zoned explosive eruptions: Insights from Cosigüina volcano, Nicaragua, NSF EAR, Award #1650379

Teaching Philosophy and Interests

In teaching, I aim to (1) spark students’ interest and engage them in their learning of geoscience, (2) demonstrate the connections between geoscience and daily life, and (3) help students develop important transferable professional skills, such as critical thinking, synthesizing multi-source data and writing. My approach to course design begins with a detailed syllabus including clear student learning outcomes and assessment strategy. I believe that students learn best by doing things, and I typically incorporate hands-on project-based learning that is complemented by interactive lectures. For example, in GEOL 201 (Minerals, Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks), students learn mineralogy and petrology through authentic research, preparing their own samples and collecting data on the scanning electron microscope. The ability to collaborate effectively with peers is a key skill for future success — I therefore encourage teamwork but I make a clear distinction between individual and collaborative achievement. In introductory courses such as GEOL 16 (Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Moving Continents), I like to use polling platforms, such as Mentimeter, and discussion boards to engage students through thought-provoking questions. In more advanced courses (e.g., GEOL 328W Volcanoes and Climate), I often utilize directed readings of peer-reviewed literature to revisit the seminal discoveries that built the discipline foundations. As regards assessment, I am committed to transparent and fair grading, and I routinely use grading rubrics that explicitly outline evaluation criteria and metrics for success and that I share with students well ahead of deadlines.