Annie Stoeth
Beatrice Capone
Franco Cortese
I focus on contributing to improve our understanding of magmatic processes via analyses of volcanic rocks. I pursue this endeavor on the case study of the Canary Island volcanoes as a PhD candidate at the Graduate Center and as a Geology Lecturer and Reserch Assistant at Queens College of CUNY.
Georgia Humphries
Georgie’s research focus as a PhD candidate in Earth & Environmental Sciences is the complex associations between phytoplankton and bacteria as well as biogeochemical cycling of nutrients in estuarine systems.
Jody Creel
Using cosmogenic nuclide dating, Jody is investigating the timing of ice sheet retreat along the Alaskan coast during the late Pleistocene and its influence on human migration to North America.
Lisa Hlinka
Lisa is a Ph.D. Candidate in Earth & Environmental Sciences with a focus in volcanology, igneous petrology, and magma geochemistry. Lisa’s thesis research aims to use the Columbia River Basalt province in the northwestern USA—the youngest, smallest, and best-preserved LIP on Earth—as a case study to understand the magmatic processes and timescales through which large-volume flood basalt eruptions are initiated.
Michael Reed
Landscape evolution and controls of geomorphic change; specifically river captures associated with lithologic triggers
Pedro Silvestre de Oliveira
I’m seeking to understand the formation of the Amazon River and how the landscape evolves using numerical models.
Renato Da Silva
Vitali Badziai
I use grain size variability, elemental chemistry, Sr/Nd isotope, and radiocarbon dating of the Sylhet Basin sediment (NE Bangladesh) to study how the sedimentary environment of the local tributary system responded to recent climate fluctuations during the last glacial-interglacial transition and in the Holocene.