Teacher Certification

Powdermaker Hall 100
The Teacher Certification Office serves students that are currently enrolled in or have previously completed a New York State Registered Educator Preparation Program at Queens College.


The best way to contact our office is by emailing tcert@qc.cuny.edu.

Please include your CUNY ID# in all emails.

Phone: 718-997-5547

When leaving a voicemail message please include your full name, CUNY ID#, and an email address.

Office Hours

Online Contact Hours

Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm

Walk-in Office Hours

Powdermaker Hall, Room 100

Monday – Thursday, 12pm-4pm

Fridays by appointment.

The office is closed weekends and holidays.


Amy Lui
Director of Teacher Certification
Powdermaker Hall 100H
Jean Wittig
Certification Officer
Powdermaker Hall 100F



Updated Child Abuse Workshop Requirements

Spring 2025 Graduates

Downloadable PDF checklist for initial certificate requirements.

Certification Checklist

The Internship certificate enables candidates who are enrolled in a graduate-level, NYS-registered educator preparation program leading to teacher, school counselor, school psychology, or educational leadership certification to work in New York State public schools in the area of the certificate during their internship experience. An “internship” is the student teaching experience (or its equivalent) in teacher preparation programs, the full-time leadership experience in educational leadership programs, and the internship in school counselor and school psychology programs. Candidates must be supervised by program faculty and appropriately certified school personnel in the area of the certificate sought, according to the regulations and program requirements. Since the Internship certificate enables candidates to work in New York State public schools during their internship experience, programs cannot enter the College Recommendation after the candidate has completed their internship.

For more information and requirements click here: qc.cuny.edu/academics/se/internship-certificate

“On Track for Certification” Letter Eligibility Requirements:

  • You must have applied for graduation on CUNYFirst.
  • You must be currently enrolled and in good academic standing.  Candidates who have already had their degree or advanced certificate awarded are NOT eligible.
  • You must have completed the required NYS workshops:
    1. Child Abuse Identification & Reporting (New Program)
    2. School Violence Prevention & Intervention (SAVE)
    3. DASA Training (Dignity for All Students Act)

To request an “On Track for Certification” letter click here.

Email Program Completion Verification Forms to tcert@qc.cuny.edu.

  • Please fill out the candidate information portion of the program verification form.
  • Include your CUNY ID number or last 4 digits of your social security number in the email.
  • If you have had a name change be sure to include the name used on your Queens College records.
  • Indicate who the form should be emailed to.

Additional Requirements for Certification


All candidates for certification must have an account on the NYSED TEACH Online Services system.

Create a TEACH Account → https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/teach/

  • After creating your NY.gov account, you must click the link provided, log in to your NY.gov account, then click on TEACH Online Services and provide your United States Social Security Number and date of birth.

Your name and identifying information (SSN, DOB) must be an exact match on all accounts and documents; e.g. TEACH Online, CUNYFirst, NYSTCE, Workshops.

About Your TEACH Account: highered.nysed.gov/tcert/teach/teachappfaq

New York State Teacher Certification Exams

Search specific exam requirements for your certificate → Search Certification Requirements

Exam Scores and your TEACH Account

In order for exam scores to appear properly in your TEACH account, all account information in your NYSTCE (Pearson) account must match exactly what is listed in your TEACH account (full name, Social Security number, date of birth). The name listed in both accounts must contain the same exact information (e.g., – middle initial, hyphenated names must be the same, last name, no nicknames, etc).

First, you must login to both accounts and make sure that all information matches exactly. If your accounts don’t match, you must change your NYSTCE (Pearson) account to match what is listed in your TEACH account. This should solve the problem. Exam scores are continuously transmitted between the NYSTCE system and the TEACH system.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your information matches across both accounts, to make sure that the exam result(s) are transmitted properly. If you have any questions about how to get your scores transmitted to your TEACH account, you can contact NYSTCE (Pearson) at: (800) 989-8532.

Fingerprint Clearance for Certification


Students who have been fingerprinted by NYC PS for student teaching and require their clearance to be transferred to New York State for certification should submit an OSPRA 104 Form.  For instructions on how to submit the OSPRA 104 form click here.  It may take up to several weeks for the OSPRA 104 form to be processed and fingerprint clearance to be posted on your TEACH account.

Check your NYSED TEACH Account to confirm that you have fingerprint clearance.

Go to TEACH Home Account Information Fingerprinting

If you see one of the statements below, you have New York State fingerprint clearance, no further action is required.

  • We have received your fingerprint information from NYC (Fingerprinted by New York City)
  • Your DCJS and FBI results have been received (Fingerprinted by New York State)

More information: nysed.gov/educator-integrity/fingerprinting

Frequently Asked Questions

The college cannot recommend students for certification until the Graduation Audit Unit (Registrar) completes its final degree audit and the degree or advanced certificate conferral is awarded on your transcript.  For more information click here: qc.cuny.edu/academics/se/college-recommendation

All students must apply for graduation on CUNYfirst (this includes students completing Advanced Certificate programs).

You can apply for graduation through your CUNYfirst Student Center for the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters.

Graduation Application Deadlines:

  • Fall Graduation – November 1st
  • Spring Graduation – March 1st
  • Summer Graduation – July 1st

Registrar (Graduation)

Yes.  You must enter an application for certification on the NYSED TEACH Online Services system.

Approved Teacher Preparation Program (05/01/2014)

This pathway refers to programs specifically designed and registered with the New York State Education Department to qualify students for New York State teacher, pupil personnel, or administrative certification. A listing of these preapproved programs is available through our Inventory of Registered Programs. Candidates applying under this pathway are recommended by their college or university for a certificate in the subject area(s) of the registered program. Specified non-coursework requirements, such as the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations and fingerprint clearance, must also be satisfied.


Approved Teacher Prep Program – Certificate Progression

This pathway is for individuals who hold a valid New York State entry-level certificate (such as an Initial or Provisional certificate), and completed a NYS Registered Teacher Education Program. They may progress to the advanced-level credential (such as a Professional or Permanent certificate) by meeting the requirements for that certificate.


Approved Teacher Prep Program – Additional Certificate

This pathway is for individuals who already hold a valid New York State classroom teaching certificate and are completing a registered program. Candidates applying under this pathway are recommended by their college or university for a certificate in the subject area(s) of the registered program. Specified non-coursework requirements, such as the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations, must also be satisfied.


Individual Evaluation Pathways (Transcript Evaluation)

*Select Option B – “No, I have not completed, nor am I enrolled in, an Approved Teacher Preparation Program at a New York State College or University for this certificate and this type”

Individual Evaluation 

The individual evaluation pathway is for candidates who have not completed an approved teacher preparation program or whose application is not based on a valid teaching certificate from another state or US territory. This pathway is also for candidates applying for teaching assistant or coaching credentials or adult education certificates. Candidates must submit original credentials for evaluation by the Office. Candidates must also meet any non-coursework requirements, such as the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations and fingerprint clearance, as specified.


Certificate Progression 

This pathway is for individuals who hold a valid New York State entry-level certificate (such as an Initial or Provisional certificate). They may progress to the advanced-level credential (such as a Professional or Permanent certificate) by meeting the requirements for that certificate.


Additional Classroom Teaching Certificate – Must hold a valid certificate 

This pathway is for individuals who already hold a valid New York State classroom teaching certificate. (Please Note: Intern Certificate, Temporary License, or Modified Temporary License do not qualify as valid teaching certificates for this pathway). They may obtain an additional certificate by meeting Content Core requirements in the new title and passing the Content Specialty Test in that subject. Additional pedagogical coursework may be required, depending on the certificates already held. If your first certificate was issued as a result of the completion of an approved program or a professional license, original official transcripts of all completed coursework from all colleges attended are required. Note: this pathway does not apply to holders of Career and Technical certificates or the Speech and Language Disabilities certificate, when based on a speech language pathology license.

​Yes.  The NYSED allows already certified individuals to apply for most additional areas of certification (or extensions) on their own through the Additional Classroom Teaching Certificate Pathway (Must hold a valid certificate) or the Individual Evaluation Pathway.

To apply for additional areas log-in to the TEACH Online system, apply for the additional certificate (or extension) following the instructions on the website.

When prompted for a program code, you DO NOT enter a program code, instead select: “(B) No, I have not completed, nor am I enrolled in, an Approved Teacher Preparation Program at a New York State College or University for this certificate and this type.”

On the Interstate Reciprocity screen, select “No, I am not eligible to apply through the Interstate Reciprocity Pathway”.  Then select the Individual Evaluation for an Additional Classroom Teaching Certificate Pathway or Individual Evaluation Pathway.”

You will then have to submit your official transcripts (and/or other documentation) and wait for them to be reviewed.

*When your transcript(s) are first received your application will be listed as Ready for Review.  Ready for Review means just that – your application hasn’t been reviewed by an evaluator at the NYSED yet.  The system defaults to “deficient” or “unmet” for some requirements until the application is evaluated, it more accurately should state “not yet reviewed” next to those requirements.  The evaluation will change once your application is reviewed.

As you would be applying directly to the New York State Education Department, please contact them with any questions you may have: Contact Information

As a matter of policy Queens College does not evaluate transcripts for individuals applying through an Individual Evaluation Pathway. Any evaluation completed other than by the NYSED would be unofficial and possibly inaccurate.

To order official transcripts from Queens College click here.

Transcript and Grading Information

Initial Reissuance

Initial certificates for classroom teachers, school building leaders, and school counselors are valid for five years. Beginning August 2, 2023, these educators who hold an expired or expiring Initial certificate, and have not met the requirements for the Professional certificate, may apply for up to two reissuances of their Initial certificate if they meet the eligibility requirements. Each Initial Reissuance is valid for five years from the effective date of the reissuance.

Provisional Renewal

Provisional certificates for educators in the pupil personnel service (e.g., school counselor, school psychologist) are valid for five years. Beginning August 2, 2023, these educators who hold an expired or expiring Provisional certificate, and have not met the requirements for the Permanent certificate, may apply for up to two renewals of their Provisional certificate if they meet the eligibility requirements. Each Provisional Renewal is valid for five years from the effective date of the renewal.

Time Extension

Beginning August 2, 2023, individuals who hold an Internship, Residency, or applicable Transitional certificate may receive (only) one Time Extension if they meet the required conditions. The Time Extension is valid for three years from the expiration date of the certificate.

Please note that the Time Extension is no longer available for individuals who hold an Initial certificate or Provisional certificate. Instead, these individuals should review the new options and requirements for the Initial Reissuance and Provisional Renewal, respectively.

For more information on advancing to professional or permanent certification click here.

  • The Office of Teacher Certification does not provide advisement on coursework, programs, or individual pathway applications.
  • If you are interested in enrolling in a School of Education program at Queens College please contact the Admissions office.
  • If you have not enrolled in or completed an educator preparation program at Queens College and are seeking information on certification, please contact the New York State Education Department (NYSED) https://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/.
