Assessment and Accreditation

Anthology Portfolio

The mission of the Professional Education Unit at Queens College is to facilitate the development of competent, caring, and qualified teachers, counselors, school psychologists, and educational leaders dedicated to promoting equity, excellence, and ethics in urban schools and communities. To ensure that our candidates and graduates have the knowledge and skills they need to become effective practitioners and to advance assessment for learning, the Professional Education Unit has adopted an e-portfolio, a web-based assessment management system called Anthology Portfolio.

Anthology Portfolio (previously known as Chalk & Wire) enables candidates to document academic and professional development, organize and showcase their work, and reflect on learning in alignment with programmatic goals, objectives, and national standards — including discipline-specific competencies. Anthology Portfolio also enables the Education Unit and its programs to maintain a quality assurance system comprised of valid data from multiple measures to engage in continuous improvement that is sustained and evidence-based.

Candidates enrolled in programs within the Education Unit must maintain an active Anthology Portfolio subscription upon admission to an education program and formal enrollment in required coursework.

Student (Candidate) Resources

You must use your QC email account to access Anthology Portfolio.

(If you do not have a QC email account, contact OIT Help Desk by phone: 718-997-4444, via email:, or on the web: OIT Help Desk.)

Your Anthology Portfolio helps you collect, organize, and reflect on your academic work. It can contain files, images, and multimedia that document your academic progress, enrich your learning, sharpen your technological skills, and prepare you for certification.

You can also share your professional ePortfolio with family, friends, and potential employers. The professional look and feel to your shared ePortfolio make the Anthology Portfolio a great tool to use when applying for internships, employment, and graduate schools.

When candidates are admitted to one of the undergraduate or graduate programs in the Education Unit, they may be instructed to obtain an Anthology Portfolio subscription to submit their assignments as directed until graduation.

If you require assistance navigating Anthology Portfolio, submitting coursework, obtaining an account, or any other issue, please email us at

Anthology Portfolio support at Queens College is available during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm). Your quickest access to support is via email.  Please plan ahead when working on assignments and assessments. We will only be available to assist you during our normal business hours.

Log-in to Anthology Portfolio

Obtaining/Renewing an Anthology Portfolio Subscription

The link below should be used by current Queens College Education Program candidates ONLY! If you do not attend Queens College, please do not purchase a subscription through this link. NO REFUNDS WILL BE PROVIDED! If you do not attend Queens College, please get in touch with your campus’ School of Education for information about Anthology Portfolio subscriptions. We cannot process orders for other campuses.
If you are a Queens College student registered for a Summer 2024 course that requires an Anthology Portfolio submission, please click on the link below to purchase your subscription through Eventbrite. Your order will be processed in 5-10 business days. You will receive an email (to your Queens College email) from once your order has been processed. The last day to purchase a subscription through Eventbrite is August 5, 2024.

Anthology Portfolio 1-Year Subscription Purchase

Before purchasing a subscription, please ensure you need Anthology Portfolio for this semester. No refunds can be processed once you purchase a subscription.  Unsure if your account will be active for the entire Summer 2024 semester? Follow these easy steps to see your account’s expiration date:

  1. Log in to your Anthology Portfolio Account.
  2. Click on your name in the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Date of expiration will be displayed. If the expiration is after August 12, 2024, you do not have to purchase a subscription through Eventbrite.  You must purchase a subscription if your account expires before August 12, 2024.
Once you complete your purchase on Eventbrite, you will receive a confirmation email from Eventbrite with a “ticket.” This is your proof of purchase only. Within 5-10 business days, the Office of Assessment & Accreditation will process your order from Eventbrite. We will create or renew your account. Once this happens, we will email your Queens College email letting you know we have completed your purchase and include the next steps. If we create a new account for you because you are a first-time user, you will receive login credentials directly from Anthology Portfolio. Please look for this email once you see our email saying your account has been set up. We will also send you a “Quick Start Guide” to help set up your program portfolio.
Again, it can take 5-10 business days for us to process your order. Please be patient. We will contact you within that time to let you know the order is complete and you can log in. Renewals can log in and see their updated expiration date (1 year from renewal). New users can log in using credentials provided by the Anthology Portfolio system.

If you require assistance navigating Anthology, submitting coursework, obtaining an account, or any other issue, please email us at

Anthology Portfolio support at Queens College is available during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm). Your quickest access to support is via email.  Please plan ahead when working on assignments and assessments. We will only be available to assist you during our normal business hours.

Anthology Portfolio is a web based e-portfolio system required for candidates in the Professional Education Unit at Queens College. You will use Anthology Portfolio to create your professional program assessment e-portfolio. You can also make separate e-portfolios using Anthology for career and other purposes.

Anthology Portfolio is used as a ‘digital filing cabinet’ for ALL of your coursework as you complete your education program. You will be using one portfolio from the moment you start using Anthology until the time you graduate. You do NOT need one portfolio for each course you register into.

Anthology will be used to assess key assignments that have been identified by your Queens College teacher education certification program. The New York State Education Department and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) now requires all accredited programs to document individual student performance, based on national, state and institutional standards. The Anthology Portfolio assessments will document your performance on key assignments aligned with these standards.

When a key assignment in a course is completed, you will upload this assignment to your assessment portfolio. You will then submit your assignment to your instructor for assessment.  The instructor will evaluate your assignment using a rubric. All key assignments will be submitted and assessed through Anthology Portfolio. At the end of your program, you will have a complete e-portfolio of key assignments that document your professional growth.

As a Queens College Education Program candidate, please click the link below to purchase a subscription through Eventbrite.

Anthology Portfolio 1-Year Subscription Purchase

We have a handy “Quick Start” guide for new users of Anthology at the link below:
Quickstart Guide for Students

Upload your files first: Add File

Then, submit to your instructor: Submit Work

Help! I uploaded the wrong assignment / submitted to the wrong assessor / need to fix what I have submitted…

First, you will need to withdraw the assignment: Withdraw a Submission

Once you have withdrawn your assignment, you can now re-submit your work.

You can design your own portfolios separate from the program assessment portfolio. For example, you might use Anthology to design an electronic resume portfolio. You may wish to design a portfolio to target a particular type of position or career path.  Anthology Portfolio can also be used to share your personal story with your family and friends.

Click on the following link for detailed instructions on how to create a customized portfolio: Create a Customizable Portfolio

Click on the following link for detailed instructions on how to share a portfolio: Share Your Portfolio


Sonia Rodrigues
Director of Assessment and Accreditation
Powdermaker Hall 137A

Beata Breg
Assessment Coordinator
Powdermaker Hall 137B

Mark Bannick
Anthology Coordinator
Powdermaker Hall 137
