Internship Certificate
For the Internship certificate, candidates must be enrolled in a graduate-level, NYS-registered educator preparation program that leads to teacher, school counselor, school psychology, or educational leadership (SBL/SDL) certification and includes an internship experience(s). Candidates must also have completed at least 50% of the semester hour requirement for the program. The program is responsible for providing appropriate supervision for the candidate.
Internship Definition
The Internship certificate enables candidates who are enrolled in a graduate-level, NYS-registered educator preparation program leading to teacher, school counselor, school psychology, or educational leadership certification to work in New York State public schools in the area of the certificate during their internship experience. An “internship” is the student teaching experience (or its equivalent) in teacher preparation programs, the full-time leadership experience in educational leadership programs, and the internship in school counselor and school psychology programs. Clinical experiences prior to the internship are not considered part of the internship (e.g., 100 clock hours of field experiences prior to student teaching are not part of the internship). Candidates must be supervised by program faculty and appropriately certified school personnel in the area of the certificate sought, according to the regulations and program requirements.
College Recommendation Required for Certification
Candidates must have a College Recommendation in TEACH to receive the Internship certificate. They are eligible for the Internship certificate if they have completed at least 50% of the semester hour requirement for the program and meet any additional criteria set forth by their college or university. Note: Eligibility for the Internship certificate is entirely at the discretion of the college or university.
The college or university could submit the institutional recommendation for this certificate for eligible candidates if they have:
- Met the 50% semester hour requirement and any additional institutional criteria,
- Not completed the internship for their program, and
- Been hired by a school district or BOCES for their internship, as defined above (e.g., clinical experiences prior to the internship are not considered part of the internship).
Candidates need to apply and pay the fee for the Internship certificate. After they have applied, received the College Recommendation, and completed their fingerprint clearance, the certificate will automatically issue in the candidates’ TEACH account.
Since the Internship certificate enables candidates to work in New York State public schools during their internship experience, programs cannot enter the College Recommendation after the candidate has completed their internship.
Validity Period
The Internship certificate is valid for up to two years. If a candidate who holds the Internship certificate leaves the educator preparation program prior to graduating, the program should immediately send an email to the Office of Teaching Initiatives to provide the date on which the candidate left the program, which will become the expiration date of the certificate.
After the candidate has successfully completed the educator preparation program, and the program has submitted the candidate’s College Recommendation for the next level certificate (e.g., Initial and/or Professional, Provisional and/or Permanent), the Internship certificate is no longer valid.
Should a time extension beyond two years of the issued Internship Certificate be necessary AND the candidate is still enrolled in the educator preparation program, the certificate can receive one three-year time extension. However, should the candidate leave the program or graduate, the time extension will expire. For more information, please see the Time Extension webpage.
Queens College Requirements for Internship Certificate Recommendation:
- Currently enrolled in a graduate-level NYS registered educator preparation program at Queens College.
- Completed at least 50% of the semester hour requirement for the program.
- Completed the NYS Required Workshops
- Passed the required CST and EAS Exams.
- Have a letter of support from your Program Coordinator stating that you have completed at least 50% of your program, are in good academic standing, and that you are eligible for an Internship Certificate.
- Have a letter from a school offering you a position. The letter must be on school letterhead, signed by the principal, and must include the following:
- The title, subject area, and grade level of the position which you are being offered (must be consistent with your program of study).
- The term/dates of employment.
- That the school is willing to hire you under an Internship Certificate.
How to Request College Recommendation for the Internship Certificate:
To request college recommendation for an Internship certificate you must submit the following to the Queens College Teacher Certification Office:
- Internship Recommendation Request Form
- Letter of support from your Program Coordinator recommending you for the Internship Certificate.
- Letter from a school offering you a position.
Letters can be emailed to with the subject Internship Certificate. Passing exam scores and the required workshops will be verified on your TEACH account. If the required workshops are not posted on your TEACH account you will be asked to submit the workshop certificates.
Apply for the certificate by entering an application on your NYSED TEACH Account. (Do not enter the application until after the Internship Certificate recommendation has been entered on your TEACH Account.)
When the student completes or leaves the program, the certificate is no longer valid.