Career Advising
Find internships and jobs – attend a workshop for resume critique, career planning, and mock interviews before you apply.
Internships, Jobs & Recruiting
Career Design, Development & Coaching
Small Business Internships & Opportunities

Eleanor Mavashev
Associate Director of Business Careers
Eleanor has 20 years of experience in education, teaching and business. She enjoys helping students succeed in the business field by connecting them with specific internships and recruiters. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her kids and traveling.
Concentrations: Accounting and Information Systems, Business Administration (BBA), Business and Liberal Arts (BALA), Economics, Risk Management (M.S.)
- LinkedIn (follow for opportunities)
- Email:
- Schedule an appointment (highly recommended)
Drop in Hours: Wed/Thur, 2pm – 4pm, Rm. PH215
Please schedule a 15 minute appointment even for drop-in so you won’t have to wait.
- Register at HireQC for internships, jobs, events
- Center for Career: Engagement & Internships

Gerardine Marotta
Career Coach
Gerry is a Queens College Alum who has had a rewarding career on Wall Street and in IT strategy. She is bringing her vast experience to the School of Business, providing help and guidance to empower students with the ability to craft meaningful and successful careers in the global workforce.
Calendar: Make an appointment
Downloadable Guides & Forms

John Perricone
Small Business Development Project Manager
As the Small Business Development Project Manager at Queens College, John Perricone hopes to expand internship experiences and enhance career readiness across curricula while supporting the small business community in Queens and collaborating with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC).
Internships and Boot Camps
QC students have been placed at corporate, not-for-profit, research, small business, and government organizations. Learn more through the Center for Career Engagement and Internships.
For more information on:
- ECON/BUS 393 (Internship for Economics/Business):
- ACCT 398 (Internship):
The Business Career Center provides opportunities to all students to gain a foothold in the professional world of work. Through internships and boot camps that are designed to offer a path to valuable skills in rapidly growing business fields, such as fintech and defi, students will be able to showcase completed projects to prospective employers. Trading competitions offer students practice with allocating capital to various investments that will require immersion in financial data and discussions with knowledgeable faculty.
+ What Employers Are Looking For
- According to The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), twenty-first-century employers are looking for the following experience or competencies gained from courses, projects, or internships. For detailed explanations of what’s involved in these competencies, check the NACE Career Readiness site.