Internal Funding from QC
Nov. 1, 2019
Dear Colleagues,
The Provost’s Office is pleased to announce two funding opportunities that will support your research and scholarship endeavors. They consist of the Research Enhancement Award program which is reactivated from our previous program, and the newly created Epsilon Award program.
These programs are created with funding from the Queens College Foundation, and with ideas from your feedback on research, input from the recently-formed Research Advisory Committee, the academic Deans, leadership in the Provost’s Office, as well as budgetary considerations. While we believe they provide the best use of our limited resources in supporting your research, future changes may be made as new opportunities arise.
Aside from these QC research program initiatives, please keep in mind of other internal support opportunities within CUNY, including the PSC-CUNY Research Award Program and CUNY’s Junior Faculty Research Award in Science and Engineering program (JFRASE). More importantly, you are encouraged to explore funding opportunities from external sources, and we will be happy to assist you as needed.
For details of the program announcements, including submission guidelines, please check the following
Elizabeth Hendrey, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Yongwu Rong, Associate Provost for Research and International Programs