
CUNY IRBManager Manual (.pdf) Following the transition from Ideate to IRBManager on human subjects research CUNY has provided this manual to serve as a guide to CUNY researchers (Oct. 2021)

Recruiting Study Participants at QC Queens College shares information about opportunities for students, faculty and staff to participate in studies conducted by researchers given permission to recruit from the QC community on the Study Recruitment of QC website. This site is promoted through Queens College newsletters and other announcements. See the page For Researchers to submit a request. (Updated Sept. 2021)

NIH Virtual Seminar 2020 (.docx) Notes from the NIH Virtual Seminar, October 27 – 30. 2020, taken by Poline Papoulis of the Office or Research and Sponsored Programs.

QC Institutional Info for NIH SCORE 2020Jan (.pdf) Institutional information document required for NIH SCORE submission. We make it available here for all QC faculty as it may be useful for your other grant proposal submissions or professional needs.

QC Nepotism Info Sheet 2020507 (.pdf) A guideline for nepotism in hiring, employment, supervisory responsibility, and contracting (updated May 7, 2020)

QC COI Investigator Guidance and Matrix 20200507 (.pdf) A conflict of interest guidance on identifying ‘investigators’ (updated May 7, 2020)

COI Policy 6.01 approved 3 30 2020 (.pdf) CUNY COI Policy, current version approved on March 30, 2020.