Doing Business with the Research Foundation

The Research Foundation (RF) is the fiscal agent for all sponsored (grant- or contract-funded) projects awarded to CUNY. It is a separate organization from Queens College and is located at 230 West 41st Street, New York, NY.
The RF is responsible for ensuring that each awarded grant is spent according to the awarding agency’s guidelines, providing financial reports to the grantor, and authorizing any and all contracts or subcontracts related to a grant. When you receive a grant, the funds are “deposited” at the RF and an account is established for the project director to access. In addition, all hiring of grant-related personnel, purchasing, and travel payments are all processed by the Research Foundation.
In order to access the Research Foundation electronic systems, you will need a user ID and password. If you have not been assigned a Research Foundation (not CUNY) user ID, please contact the reports administrator in the Research Foundation’s Office of Grants and Contracts at 212-417-8404. After you have been assigned an ID, you can create a log-in account. This account will give you access to your grant account as a PI so that you can see your account statement, use the PAF and payroll systems, and utilize the vendor payment system.
Most of the links below will take you to the Research Foundation website where you can get more information. (These pages are password-protected for the most part.) Some of the main areas to become familiar with are:
- How to Access and Read Your Research Foundation Account Statements
- RF Hiring Personnel Information
- Purchasing and Payment Information
- Travel Guidelines
- Per Diem Rates for Domestic Travel (meals, lodging)
- Foreign Travel Per Diem (reminder: Federal and New York State guidelines require the use of an American airline for the departure and return flights)
- Fringe Benefit Rates (current rates only; rates for projected budgets should be higher)
- Independent Contractors/Consultants
- Fellowships/Scholarships/Stipends/Honoraria
If you don’t find the answer here or on the pages listed above, please contact our offices for more information.