Human Subjects in Research
A Human Subject = a living person about whom an investigator obtains data through intervention, interaction with the person, or by accessing identifiable private information about the person through records or observation.
All research activities (including data analysis and publication of results) that involve human subjects, including activities that are eligible for exemption under federal guidelines and are conducted on QC campuses, sponsored by QC in whole or in part (i.e., under the direction of QC personnel or funded through the college), or use QC-affiliated subjects or information related to QC-affiliated subjects, must be reviewed and approved by the QC Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects before such an activity begins. If the investigator is conducting research cooperatively with another institution, Queens College also requires the investigator to obtain proper approval from that institution.
Applications are available from the Office of Regulatory Compliance. Please contact that office for more information regarding Institutional Review Board policies and procedures.