Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Office Information
Hours: (M-F) 9-5 | (Sat-Sun) Closed
Director: Poline Papoulis
Office: Kiely Hall, Room 306
Phone: 718-997-5400
Fax: 718-997-5409
Pre- and Post Award Grant Administrator/Admin Assistant and GAL Editor: Benjamin Signore, Jr.
Meet the People of ORSP
Poline Papoulis, Director – Poline manages the staff of ORSP, assists faculty with applications, is the primary liaison for Queens College with the Research Foundation. She also maintains the internal accounts of all recovery derived funding. Poline’s contact info is listed above.
Marisol Caamano, Associate Director -Marisol is available to assist faculty with grant applications and is the primary point person for documenting effort on federal grants. She can be reached via email at and by phone at 718-997-3913.
Regina Caulfield, Associate Director – Regina is available to assist faculty with grant applications and sponsor related post-award issues. She can be reached via email at and by phone at 718-997-5403.
Maryluz Diaz, Associate Director – Maryluz is available to assist faculty with grant applications, post-award administration, and assists Poline with internal accounts including recovery derived accounts and auxiliary accounts. She can reached via email at and by phone at 718-997-5405.
Benjamin Signore, Pre- and Post-Award Administrator – Ben is available to help faculty navigate the Research Foundation on-line systems for all matters related to their grants and is the Editor of our newsletter GAL. You can email Benjamin at his contact info listed above and call the office main line to reach him directly.
Aster Williams, Associate Director – Aster is available to assist faculty with grant applications as well as sponsor related post-award issues and assists Poline in maintaining internal recover derived accounts. You can reach Aster via email at and by phone at 718-997-5060.
About - Office of Research & Sponsored Programs
The Office of Research & Sponsored Programs has re-opened and staff are available by appointment. Some staff are still working partially remote but all are available via phone and email during regular hours. We are eager to help the faculty and the College apply for grants, manage them, and assist with issues related to sponsored research.
Services we provide include:
- Assistance with finding funding
- Help with preparing applications including budgeting, liaising with granting agencies, compliance with regulatory issues and navigating forms, instructions, and submission process.
- Assistance with all post-award processes including hiring, purchasing (including contracts), reporting, and working with the Research Foundation to make sure your account is accurate and understandable.
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) at Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY), reporting to the Dean of Research/Math & Natural Sciences and the Office of the Provost, assists faculty and staff with securing external funding from public and private sources for research and non-research initiatives (e.g., training, program and curriculum development, community service, conferences, etc.). ORSP assists faculty and staff in identifying funding opportunities; proposal and budget development; and application and reporting submissions.
In addition, we work closely with the Queens College Office of Research Compliance and liaison with the CUNY Office of Research which is responsible for all compliance with Federal, State, and City regulations at CUNY. ORSP collaborates with CUNY’s Vice Chancellor’s office to ensure that faculty and staff, who are applying for grants that involve research at the College, are aware of and adhere to the following CUNY policies and procedures.
ORSP is also the primary liaison with the Research Foundation/CUNY, which serves as fiscal conduit for grants and contracts to the CUNY colleges. The RF is a not-for-profit entity, governed by its own Board of Directors. Funds administered through the RF are subject to RF’s policies and procedures. ORSP assists all awarded faculty with understanding and complying with RF/CUNY rules and procedures.
Queens College faculty were awarded over $20 million in grants and contracts in the last year to support their research in wide range of disciplines. Recent grants, for example, have funded wastewater and COVID-19 outbreaks, optical laser beam technology, environmental studies, solar energy dynamics, climate dynamics and demographic studies on a variety of topics.
If you are thinking about preparing a new proposal in the near future, please let ORSP know as soon as you can either by phone or email. We need at least 14 days notice and if you have external collaborative partners, please allow for at least one more week so that we give your collaborator’s team time to comply with all the necessary paperwork on both our side of the process and theirs.
Remember the following deadlines and compliance issues when preparing a proposal:
- Completed proposal draft, budget, and justification: 5 business days prior to the deadline.
- Proposals that include required cost-sharing (voluntary cost-sharing is not allowed) must be completed at least 15 business days prior to the deadline.
- Final submission and approval: 5 business days before the agency deadline.
- Responsible Conduct of Research and Conflict of Interest training must be completed and reports on file with ORSP.
- Significant Financial Interest Disclosure form(s) must be completed for all sponsored programs and for each proposal. There are separate forms for PHS sponsored research and all other sponsored programs. Please see the CUNY Conflict of Interest webpage for more information and current forms.
- An Export Control Preliminary Evaluation form must be completed before any proposal submission.
All grant proposals must be cleared through QC’s Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP). Our staff members review the proposals, prepare budgets, assist with administrative details–including obtaining institutional approval–and are the final stop before applicants submit proposals to government and private agencies. Please see our Grant Submission Policies and Procedures (revised) for more details. One of the first steps you should take is to complete the Internal Approval Checklist. This form helps us determine what resources you will need to complete your application successfully.
If you miss one of the deadlines mentioned above, please call a grants officer in ORSP (Marisol Caamano, Regina Caulfield, Maryluz Diaz, Aster Williams) to discuss further options.
ORSP is also QC’s liaison with the Research Foundation of CUNY (located in Manhattan), assisting grant awardees with day-to-day paperwork and administrative tasks.
In addition, we disseminate information on grant opportunities, available support, regulations, policies, and the application process. To keep projects going between grants, we help coordinate bridge funding.
Our website includes other useful material, as well. We continue to add information that we think will be helpful in the grant application and award process. Please check out our new Alerts! page for the latest details about important policy and funding.