Psychology > Graduate > Applied Behavior Analysis > Master’s in ABA
The application deadline for the ABA MA program is May 1st.

The ABA MA program is registered as a licensure qualifying program with New York State (Licensure is in accordance with Subpart 79-17 of the New York State Commissioner’s Regulations. Applicants must meet additional requirements outlined by NYS Education Law Title VIII, Article 167 and Commissioner’s Regulation Subpart 79-17).
Our curriculum is also pre-approved by the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) as a verified course sequence (VCS) for the 4th and 5th edition task lists.
All students must complete all required courses below (A) and 9 credits of elective courses (B). Students can opt to either also complete the comprehensive exam (C) OR a thesis project (D).
Curriculum for BACB Task List 5 and NYS requirements
A) 30 credits of required courses (each course is worth 3 credits):
- 705.00: Statistical Methods in Psychology I
- 720.05: Autism OR PSY 791.3 Special Topics: Autism Treatment
- 730.00: Psychology of Learning
- 730.01: Theory and Method in Applied Behavior Analysis I
- 730.05: Applied Behavior Analysis: Measurement and Applied Project I
- 730.02: Theory and Method in Applied Behavior Analysis II
- 730.06: Applied Behavior Analysis: Measurement and Applied Project II
- 795.00: Fieldwork Project in Applied Behavior Analysis
- 771.3: Ethical Issues in Psychology
- 791.3: Record Keeping
B) 9 Credits of Elective courses from the following list: (each course is worth 3 credits)
Applied Behavior Analysis Electives
- 720.01: Developmental Disabilities I
- 720.02: Developmental Disabilities II
- 720.03: Behavioral Intervention in Developmental Disabilities
- 720.04: Behavioral Analysis of Child Development
- 730.04: Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis
Other Electives (maximum of 6 credits allowed from this list)
- 700.00 History of Psychology
- 708.10 Basic Neuroscience: Neuroanatomy
- 708.40: Behavioral Neuroscience
- 720.00: Developmental Psychology
- 746.00: Social Psychology
- 755.00: Psychopathology
- 760.00: Psychometric Methods
- 791.30: various topics
C) Comprehensive Exams & Thesis
Qualifying Students may have the option to complete a 3 or 6-credit thesis to substitute for a portion of the elective course.
(718) 997- 3294
Sally Izquierdo, Director
Application Deadlines
May 1 for ABA MA
May 1 for ABA AC