Psychology > Undergraduate > Academic Advising > Schedule Advising

Academic Advising Scheduling

If you need to declare Psychology as your major or minor, you first will need to arrange advising in Psychology. Advising can help you with course selection, planning toward the degree, and referrals. Additionally, Psychology offers advising on a variety of topics to get the most out of your undergraduate experience in Psychology and plan out your future. For example, we offer advising on figuring out your interests and a career path, getting involved in extracurricular and enrichment activities, and planning for graduate school.

You have two options for advisement in Spring 2025:

Option 1: In-person advising peer advising in Room D308 of the Science Building. No appointment is needed; just drop in during one of these times:

Day Time
Monday 3 – 6:45pm
Tuesday 10:00 – 11:45am
Wednesday noon – 1:45; 3:45 – 5:30pm
Thursday 10:00 – 11:45am; 12:15 – 2pm


In-person faculty advising with Dr. Brumbaugh in Room D304 of the Science Building. No appointment is needed; just drop in during one of these times:

Thurs February 13, 2-3pm

Tues February 25, noon-1

Mon March 3, 11-noon

Thurs March 13, 2-3pm

Thurs April 10, 2-3pm

Tues April 22, noon-1

Thurs May 8, 2-3pm


Remote advising with Dr. Brumbaugh is also available specifically for career, graduate school, and extracurricular advising on these Friday dates from 11am to 1pm:

Feb 28, March 21, April 11, and May 9

Please email to schedule a meeting.


Option 2 :    Self-guided advising via Brightspace which allows you to declare the Psych major or minor
    • Go to Brightspace
      1. Search for “Psychology Advising” under the Discover menu
      2. Enroll in the course
    • Watch the video either for the major or the minor
    • Click the forward arrow when done watching the video
    • Take the quiz
    • If you pass the quiz, generate a certificate under the Awards menu
    • Email the certificate and your completed declaration form as PDF attachments to
    • Dr. Brumbaugh will sign off on the declaration form and email you with further instructions.