Psychology > Graduate > Behavioral Neuroscience > Mission


The mission of this program is to allow promising Masters graduate students to engage in intensive, research-based study within the quickly expanding field of Behavioral Neuroscience. The program is designed to enhance students’ chances of being admitted into highly-competitive doctoral training programs in Behavioral Neuroscience and other Neuroscience-related fields, and to increase chances of employment within the private sector as Research Assistants/Associates trained in Neuroscience and Neuroscience-related fields. Students matriculated into this program also contribute to Neuroscience-related research within the Psychology department and help facilitate interactions between the diverse Neuroscience laboratories from various Departments (e.g., Psychology, Biology, Computer Science, Chemistry/Biochemistry and Anthropology) across the campus.

The curriculum provides a rigorous overview of neuroscience, including four foundational courses: Molecular Neuroscience (PSYCH 709.1), Systems Neuroscience (PSYCH 709.2), Cognitive Neuroscience (PSYCH 709.3), and Behavioral Neuroscience (PSYCH 709.4). A two-semester quantitative methods sequence provides strong training in quantitative and pragmatic aspects of research (PSYCH 704.1 & 704.2). Students learn about neuroscience as a profession in both coursework and research activities: Ethics in Psychology (PSYCH 771.1), Scientific Talks/Colloquium (PSYCH 772.2), Thesis Seminar (scientific writing and communication, PSYCH 772.3). Flexible electives (9 credits) allow students to pursue non-traditional careers in neuroscience, for example, combining neuroscience and law, neuroscience and education, etc.

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