Political Science Major

Major Requirements:
Students should take 10 courses in political science for a total of 31 credits. These courses must include:
1. Three of the following introductory courses: American Government and Politics (PSCI 100); Principles of Political Science (PSCI 101); Current Political Controversies (PSCI 102); Comparative Politics (PSCI 103); International Politics (PSCI 104); and Political Theory (PSCI 105). Please note that PSCI 102 can only be taken once for the major.
2. PSCI 200 Research Skills in Political Science
3. Five 200-level elective courses
4. One 4-credit writing intensive seminar (381W, 382W, 383W or 384W)
It is recommended that students take the introductory course in each sub-field before taking the intermediate courses and seminars. It is also recommended that students take PSCI 200 before enrolling for the seminar.
All 100-Level Political Science courses are Pathways and PLAS courses.
Transfer students who plan to major in political science should take a minimum of 18 credits in the department, regardless of the number of political science credits earned at other institutions.
Declaring a Major in Political Science
By the upper sophomore year, political science majors should have worked out a comprehensive course of study in political science with their faculty advisor before registering for more political science courses. To do this, all majors must fill out a Major Concentration Form, have it approved by a Political Science Faculty Advisor and submit the approved form to the department office prior to applying for graduation. The department will not approve students for graduation without this form.
Tracks in Political Science (Optional)
The specialized tracks help students select introductory and elective courses that correspond to their interests in international politics, law and politics or government and public service. Students majoring in political science are not required to declare a track.
The International Politics Track:
- Comparative Politics (PSCI 103), International Relations (PSCI 104), and one other 100-level course
- PSCI 200 for anyone who matriculates in or after Fall 2015
- Two courses from PSCI 230-269
- One Political Science Seminar
- Three electives (200-level) from other political science courses
The Law and Politics Track:
- American Politics (PSCI 100) and two other 100-level political science courses
- Research Skills (PSCI 200)
- Two courses from PSCI 280 to 289
- One seminar
- Three electives (200-level) from other political science courses
The Government and Public Service Track:
1. American Politics (PSCI 100) and two other 100-level political science courses
2. PSCI 200 Research Skills in Political Science
3. One course from Political Science 219, 221-224
4. Two Internships, preferably one of which is with an elected official
5. One Political Science Seminar
6. Two electives (200-level) from other political science courses