Application FAQs

Am I eligible for the Transfer Honors Program?

  • You have completed at least 60 credits towards an associate’s or bachelor’s degree at another accredited college/university but have not obtained a bachelor’s degree.
  • You have a 3.5 GPA or higher.
  • You will be attending Queens College.
  • You are not a current Queens College student.
Whom should I ask for a letter of recommendation?

  • We recommend asking a former professor who has taught a subject related to the major you will pursue at Queens College.
  • Someone who can speak to your academic or research track record and potential.

What should I submit for my writing sample?

  • A paper you have written in a course related to a major you will pursue at Queens College.
  • A paper you have written in a humanities or social science related course.
  • Research papers or analyses rather than personal reflections.

How long should my writing sample be?

  • Approximately 4-7 pages.
  • Please don’t send us a book or a one page paper.

What are you looking for in a writing sample?

  • Analytical and critical thinking ability.
  • Evidence of original thought and/or passion.
  • Readability and clarity.

Can I send materials other than a paper?

  • We will still need a writing sample. However, we are happy to consider additional materials such as: art portfolios, science posters, resumes, sound/video files, photography.

If I already submitted a transcript to the Admissions Office, do I need to submit a separate transcript with my Transfer Honors Program application?

  • Yes. The Transfer Honors Program operates separately from the Undergraduate Admissions Office.

Do I need to send an official transcript?

  • If you are transferring from another CUNY school, you may submit an unofficial transcript.
  • If you are transferring from a non-CUNY school, please have the registrar email us an official transcript.