Baccalaureate Award Ceremony

About the Baccalaureate Award Ceremony
The Baccalaureate Ceremony is an in person ceremony that takes place during the Spring semester in conjunction with Commencement. The ceremony recognizes graduating undergraduate students who achieve Latin Honors status. In addition, 40 outstanding students who achieve Latin Honors status will receive named awards.
Eligibility for Baccalaureate Ceremony & Latin Honors
For invitation to the ceremony, must be a graduating senior with a cumulative GPA of a 3.5 and above
Seniors who graduate in the summer prior, fall prior or current spring will be invited to the ceremony and considered for the named awards. For example, Summer 2023 graduates were recoginized at the Spring 2024 ceremony.
Honors designation for the Latin Honors is as follows
Summa Cum Laude: 3.900 and up
Magna Cum Laude: 3.75 – 3.899
Cum Laude: 3.500 – 3.749
Award List
A. Joseph Geist Law Fellowship
The A. Joseph Geist Law Fellowship is offered annually by the A. Joseph and Cecile A. Geist Foundation Inc. to be used for tuition by a Queens Pre-Law student who has been accepted for admission to an accredited law school, has maintained high standards in scholarship and character, and has contributed to the interest of the college
Alumni Association of Queens College Award
The Alumni Association of Queens College Award is presented annually to a graduating senior who has maintained an outstanding academic record, has contributed to the best interests of the college, and has been accepted for graduate study at Queens College.
Arthur Kahn Memorial Scholarship
Presented to a graduating senior who has maintained a high academic average, has contributed to the best interests of the college, and has been accepted for study at the City University of New York School of Law.
Chaney Goodman Schwerner Award
The Chaney-Goodman-Schwerner Award is offered annually to a graduating senior who has made a significant contribution toward fostering human relations and eliminating the divisions that separate peoples.
Creativity Award
The Creativity Award recognizes graduating seniors who have demonstrated both scholarly excellence and extraordinary achievement in artistic expression in a chosen field of study that is not limited to a student’s major discipline. Such achievement will be evidenced in performance, material, or conceptual invention, or literary form.
David Syrett Scholarship
The David Syrett Scholarship will be given to a graduating senior with an outstanding academic record who plans to attend a Ph.D. Program in the disciplines of History, Philosophy or Economics.
Donald Kirkpatrick Scholarship
The Donald E. Kirkpatrick Award is given annually to a graduating senior of outstanding academic achievement whose activities have been in the best interests of the College and its goals.
E. Richard Covert Memorial Scholarship Fund
Given to a graduating student who has demonstrated strong academic and leadership skills, as well as a commitment to engaging students, faculty and staff in creating and sustaining an environment that supports quality student life. This scholarship was established in honor of Dr. E. Richard Covert, who served as Dean of Students for 10 years, and who touched the lives of countless QC students during his nearly three decades as a member of the faculty and administration.
Harvard Sitkoff Civil Rights Award
The Harvard Sitcoff Civil Rights Award is presented annually to a graduating senior who has maintained high academic standards and exhibited a special interest in furthering the cause of civil rights.
Helen T. Hendricks Scholarship
The Helen T. Hendricks Scholarship is presented annually to a graduating student who has maintained high standards in scholarship, has made an outstanding and valuable contribution of service to others in the Queens College community and/or in the community at large, and has been accepted to a professional school. The award is made by a group of alumni to acknowledge the contribution to their educational experience made by Helen T. Hendricks, a member of the College staff.
Herbert and June Bienstock Memorial Scholarship
The Herbert Bienstock Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a student who has demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence as well as to fostering a campus of equal access and opportunity for all members of the Queens College community
Jeffrey Berman Memorial Award
The Jeffrey B. Berman Award is presented annually to a graduating senior who has made significant contributions to the needs and interests of students with disabilities on campus, or who has demonstrated academic achievement while meeting the challenges imposed by experiences with disability.
Jeffrey Vigliarolo Memorial Scholarship Endowment
The Jeffrey Vigliarolo Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior of high scholastic achievement who plans to attend law school after graduation. It is funded through the family and friends of Jeffrey Vigliarolo, who was a Political Science and Communication Arts & Sciences major at the College.
Joan Thornton McManus Memorial Prize Endowment for Academic Excellence
The Joan Thornton McManus Memorial Prize for Academic Excellence is presented annually to a student with the highest cumulative index upon completion of the baccalaureate degree. To be eligible, a student must have completed at least 112 credits of quality point-bearing grades at Queens College.
Joe & Carol Brostek Scholarship
The Joe and Carol Brostek Scholarship is presented annually to a graduating senior who is planning to pursue graduate studies and has demonstrated academic excellence while serving in campus leadership positions which have benefited Queens College.
Judge Charles S. Colden Award
The Judge Charles S. Colden Award is presented to a graduating senior who has maintained high standards in scholarship and character and has contributed to the best interests of the College.
Judi & Amy Sturm Memorial Scholarship
The Amy and Judi Sturm Memorial Scholarship is provided annually by the family and friends of Amy and Judi Sturm, alumnae of the College, and are given in their memory to graduating seniors in the liberal arts who have maintained outstanding records at the College, have made significant contributions in campus affairs, and have been accepted for graduate study in mass communications, preferably at a branch of the City University of New York
Marc & Zoe Belth Award Memorial Award
The Marc and Zoe Belth Memorial Award is presented to graduating senior who have demonstrated academic excellence and who plan to attend graduate school to pursue studies in some aspect of the analysis of thought or cognition, such as Philosophy, Psychology, Linguistics, or Education. Professor Belth, of the School Education, was especially interested in the nature of the process of thinking.
Michael Wreszin Prize
The Michael Wreszin Prize is for the graduating senior whose social activism on and off campus in the cause of economic and social justice, civil rights, and peace best exemplifies the values to which Professor Michael Wreszin devoted his life.
Molly Weinstein Prize
The Molly Weinstein Prizes are presented annually to graduating seniors who have a distinguished record of scholarship and intend to pursue a career in college teaching.
Paul Klapper Award
This award is provided annually by the staff of Queens College and other friends, in memory of the College’s first president, to encourage scholarly accomplishment, moral and intellectual integrity, and good citizenship. The award is made to a graduating senior who plans to enter graduate work.
Queens College Retirees Association – Elena Peters Scholarship
The Queens College Retirees Association Scholarships, named in honor of Elena Peters, is presented to a graduating senior who has maintained high academic standards, has shown promise of contributing to the quality of life in New York City, and has plans for continued education.
Queens College Retirees Association – Howard A. Knag Scholarship
Queens College Retirees Association – Lucile Lindberg Scholarship
The Queens College Retirees Association Scholarships, named in honor of Lucile Lindberg, is presented to a graduating senior who has maintained high academic standards, has shown promise of contributing to the quality of life in New York City, and has plans for continued education.
Queens College Retirees Association – Mardel Ogilvie Scholarship
The Queens College Retirees Association Scholarships, named in honor of Mardel Ogilvie, is presented to a graduating senior who has maintained high academic standards, has shown promise of contributing to the quality of life in New York City, and has plans for continued education.
Queens College Retirees Association – Nancy Meltzer Scholarship
The Queens College Retirees Association Scholarships, named in honor of Nancy Meltzer, is presented to a graduating senior who has maintained high academic standards, has shown promise of contributing to the quality of life in New York City, and has plans for continued education.
Queens College Retirees Association – Wilber E. Gilman Scholarship
The Queens College Retirees Association Scholarships, named in honor of Wilber E. Gilman, is presented to a graduating senior who has maintained high academic standards, has shown promise of contributing to the quality of life in New York City, and has plans for continued education.
Queens College Women’s Club Award
The Queens College Women’s Club Award recognizes graduating seniors who complete the baccalaureate degree with academic excellence.
Roarers Memorial Award
The Roarers Memorial Award was established by the Roarers Fraternity in memory of departed members. The award is presented annually to a graduating senior who has maintained a good academic record and has made an outstanding contribution to the College through community service.
Salman Hamdani Memorial Award
The Salman Hamdani Memorial Award is granted annually in honor of Salman Hamdani, a graduate of the Queens College class of 2001, a Chemistry major and pre-med student, who died at the World Trade Center on 9/11 while heroically giving volunteer medical assistance. The award is given to a student who has been accepted to medical school.
Saul Weprin Memorial Scholarship in the Public Interest
The Saul Weprin Memorial Scholarship was established at the College by the National Speakers Conference and Mrs. Saul Weprin in memory of Saul Weprin former Speaker of the New York State Assembly. Recipients are selected on the basis of academic excellence and demonstrated evidence of a strong commitment to and interest in pursuing a career in the public interest.
William E. Marames Memorial Scholarship
Annual award to a graduating senior who has achieved academic excellence and who will be attending Fordham Law School.
Past Award Winners
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Latin Honors?
Latin honors are academic awards for achievement at graduation based on cumulative GPA. They signify the varying levels of academic achievement such as Summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude.
When will communications about the Baccalaureate come out?
If you have a GPA of 3.5 and above, you will be invited to the Baccalaureate the spring that it is hosted in your email.
Grades are assessed in mid March
If you have a GPA of 3.5 and above and are continuing on in the summer session or fall session, you will not be eligible for the spring Baccalaureate ceremony. However, once your GPA is finalized then you will be able to attend the next spring Baccalaureate ceremony the following year.
How do I know if I am eligible for a named award?
Students who have a GPA of 3.75 and higher will be considered for an award. Students who have a GPA of 3.75 and higher must fill out a survey link provided in an email to be selected for an award at Baccalaureate. Filling out the survey does not guarantee that you will receive an award.
How many guests am I allowed to bring to the Baccalaureate?
You are allowed to bring a maximum of two guests. There may be an option for additional guests, please reach out upon recieving your invitation.
Do we get a certificate?
Your academic achievement will be presented on your diploma.
What do I do if I cannot attend the ceremony, but am still interested in receiving my Baccalaureate chord?
You can contact for more information on how to receive items.
What should I expect at the Baccalaureate?
Check-in at the Baccalaureate
- There will be tables at the entrance of the Goldstein theatre labeled alphabetically by order of last name.
- Line up at the tables to check-in for the ceremony
- Based on your academic standing, you will get a color chord
Goldstein Auditorium
- You will then be asked to walk into the auditorium and you will be asked to sit in different areas based on honors designation (Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Cum Laude)
- **Named award winners will be asked to sit on stage, chairs will have your name tag on them**
- Staff will briefly run through what the ceremony will look like for students
Colden Auditorium
- Students will then be asked to get ready and walk into the Colden Auditorium and sit in their designated areas of academic standing
- Award winners will sit on top of the stage along with faculty and staff
- Speeches will be given by President Wu and the presidential medal winner
- Paul Klapper awardee will then give their speech
- Professor Lee will read out descriptions of each of the award winners and award winners will walk across the stage take a picture with President Wu and go back to their seats
- After the award winners are called, students will go in order based on academic standing (summa cum laude, magna cum laude, cum laude)
- If students register on time for the ceremony they will have the AI system read their name aloud. If students do not register on time, a staff member will read their name aloud.
Baccalaureate Reception
- Once the ceremony is done usually around 9 pm, students, friends, and family members are invited to have snacks and desserts at the Music building Atrium.