Macaulay Honors College FAQs
How do I become a Macaulay Honors College student?

If you are a prospective high school senior, you apply online through the CUNY Macaulay Honors College Application, (not the General CUNY Application), and rank your campus choices. Be aware that ranking matters. If you want to come to Queens College, please place us as your first choice campus.

Can transfers or continuing students become Macaulay Honors College students?

Unfortunately no, students who have attended classes at a post-secondary institution after high school are not eligible for Macaulay Honors College.

If you are a transfer student you should consider applying to the Transfer Honors Program at Queens College. The Queens College Transfer Honors Program (THP) offers scholarships and academic support for highly motivated and creative prospective students who wish to complete their bachelor’s degree at a world-class college that challenges them to do their best. Please use this application.

So, I’m not eligible for Macaulay Honors; are there other scholarships or special programs available to me?

Yes, there are many such opportunities for Queens College students. These include the Freshman Honors Program, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program (MMUF), Business in Liberal Arts (BALA), Honors in the Math and Natural Sciences, Honors in the Humanities, Honors in Social Sciences. If you have additional questions about scholarships or honors you can additionally reach out to the Office of Honors and Scholarships.

Are Macaulay Honors College students eligible for other scholarships and special programs?

Yes, many Macaulay Honors students participate in various honors programs or special programs, depending on their interests and career goals.

Do Macaulay Honors College students take all their classes together?

Macaulay Honors College students at Queens College take the following courses together:

  • HNRS 101: Honors Colloquium
  • ENG 110H: English Composition (EC1 Required Core: Pathways or general education requirements) 
  • HNRS 125: The Arts in New York City
  • HNRS 126W: The Peopling of New York City
  • HNRS 225: Science & Technology in New York City
  • HNRS 226: Shaping the Future of New York City 

When Macaulay Honors College students take additional Pathways courses and courses in their majors, their classmates are other Queens College students. Some departments offer Honors courses usually designated with an H (i.e. ENGL 130H), in which many students will come from the various honors programs on campus. 

As a Macaulay Honors College student, how do I enroll in courses?

You must meet with your Honors advisor during pre-registration to discuss your schedule for the upcoming semester. Honors courses specifically are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Early advising appointments are encouraged. 

Do Macaulay Honors College students receive priority registration?

Yes, Macaulay Honors College students at Queens College have priority registration privileges.

Can Macaulay Honors College students be dismissed from their program?

Yes, in order to remain in good standing, Macaulay students must achieve a 3.3 GPA at the end of freshman year; from sophomore year until graduation, they must maintain a 3.5 GPA. To be a full-time student, students must enroll in at least 12 credits of course work per semester. Not meeting these requirements can mean a status change from “Good Standing” to Warning, Probation or Dismissal. 

Are Macaulay Honors College students required to complete a senior honors thesis.

All Macaulay Honors students must complete a senior thesis in their major, whether a traditional thesis or another capstone project appropriate to their studies. Students are required to identify a full-time faculty member in their department to supervise their work. You can talk with your Honors Advisor as well as faculty and departmental advisors for suggestions.

What are the other requirements for Macaulay Honors College students?

Macaulay students must:

*Complete 10 hours of community service by the end of their first three academic years (10 hours after freshman year etc.) for a total of 30 hours.

*Complete honors in their major. You can talk with your Honors Advisor as well as faculty and departmental advisors for suggestions. 

*Complete an approved experiential learning activity (Study Abroad, Internship, or Research). You must speak with your Honors advisor to ensure your activity meets appropriate guidelines.

*Complete 12 credits in approved Honors Coursework. Students are encouraged to choose an honors track (BALA, HMNS, HTH, HSS)

How can I learn about undergraduate research and internship opportunities for honors students?

Macaulay students receive “Macaulay Monday” communications from the Macaulay Central Office, the Macaulay news letter from the MHC Queens College Office, and communications from the Queens College Center for Career Engagement and Internships. These communications contain a wealth of information about upcoming deadlines, events, internships, volunteer opportunities, and academic opportunities. Read these emails regularly and thoroughly!

How can I learn about study abroad programs?

Macaulay Honors students participate in programs offered by Queens College, CUNY, and other colleges and universities. Begin your search with our campus Study Abroad office and the CUNY Study Abroad website.

How can I learn about national scholarships and fellowships for graduate school?

Macaulay Honors students, among other Queens College undergraduates, have been successful recipients of the following: Boren Scholarship, Beinecke Sholarship​ Program, Goldwater Scholarship Program, National Science Foundation and Fulbright Fellowship Program. 

Rebecca Baron, Scholarship and Fellowship Advisor here at Queens College, maintains a file of national scholarships and fellowships and QC internal scholarships. She can be reached:

Rebecca Baron
Scholarships and Fellowships Advisor
Honors Hall, Rm 2