Maintaining F Visa/Immigration Status

Steps for Maintaining F Visa/Immigration Status:
- Have F Immigration Status before beginning your program.
- Check in with ISSO to verify your F Status at the beginning and end of each semester.
- Keep your passport, I-94 and I-20 valid at all times.
- Keep your F-1 Immigration Status valid at all times by:
- Obtaining and maintaining a valid Queens College I-20.
- Enrolling at Queens College as a full-time student. Part-time status may be authorized due to certain academic reasons or a medical condition.
- Ensure you have at least 12 credits every semester for undergraduate and 9 credits for graduate students. You are allowed to register for only 1 online class per semester. (Ex. 1 online + 3 in-person class is acceptable).
Request part time due to academic reasons- COME TO SEE AN ADVISOR
Click here to download “Request part time due to medical condition” form
- As a student, maintain a good grade point average at all times (B average or better for master’s programs, C average or better for bachelor’s programs).
- Do not work illegally.
- Receive written travel authorization from your International Students and Scholars advisor at least two weeks before you leave the United States, so that you will be permitted to re-enter the United States following your overseas stay.
- Enter the U.S with a valid passport, valid I-20 and valid F visa.
- When you transfer to Queens College, have your previous U.S. institution release your SEVIS I-20/DS 2019 to the Queens College International Students and Scholars Office. (Ask your QC-ISSO advisor about this.) Also see SEVIS I-20 Release Form.
- Notify the Queens College International Students and Scholars Office within 5 to 7 days after changing your U.S address.