Welcome to the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies. The interdisciplinary major is designed for students who wish to develop their own concentration area in a subject not covered by any one department or program.
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
+1 718 997 5902 (Voice)
+1 718 997 5785 (Fax)
Dr. Maria DeLongoria
Interim Associate Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs
Students who are interested in an interdisciplinary major should confer with the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies, which will provide guidance in developing a proposal for approval. The proposed concentration must have a distinct, coherent interdisciplinary theme and the coursework required for it should provide substantial expertise in that theme. Since an interdisciplinary concentration requires competence in more than one discipline, the major involves a minimum of 36 credits and may require the approval of several departments.
Film Studies
Africana Studies
Asian/American Studies
Buisness & Liberal Arts
Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies
Irish Studies
Italian American Studies
Jewish Studies
Latin American & Latino Studies
Medical Career Prep
Women & Gender Studies
Courses and Special Programs
The program offers a variety of courses in a wide range of subjects. These are staffed by teachers from the various departments, but offer the advantages of smaller class sections, flexible scheduling, and curricular experimentation. These courses, except when otherwise specified, are open to every student in good standing at the college, freshman through senior.
A tutorial enables a motivated, advanced student to undertake independent study of a topic under the supervision of a full-time faculty member. To take a tutorial, a student must find a faculty member willing to supervise and grade the work, and must obtain the faculty member’s approval of the topic and of the work to be performed.
A tutorial application form can be accessed via the Interdisciplinary and Special Studies web page. The card must be completed, including a full description of the work to be done, signed by the student, the supervising faculty member, and the chair of the respective department. The card is then returned to the Interdisciplinary and Special Studies Office for approval and registration, in Kiely 1105.
Note: In order to receive credit, students must be registered for the tutorial during the scheduled registration period. No more than 12 credits in tutorials can be applied toward the degree, and only one tutorial may be taken per semester.