Nora Glickman is a professor emeritus at Queens College and at the Graduate Center, CUNY, where she teaches courses on comparative and Latin American literature, Hispanic cinema, Jewish studies, theatre and translation. She received her M.A. in Spanish Literature at Columbia University and her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature at N.Y.U. She is a playwright and short story writer, a critic and a translator.
Her career combines teaching with creative writing, criticism and translation. Her critical work (articles, chapters in anthologies, book and film reviews, interviews, encyclopedias and dictionaries) has appeared in national and international journals. Her short stories and plays have been produced in several countries in Spanish French and English, and published in a number of North and South American anthologies. Four of her plays are gathered in her Antologia bilingue/Bilingual anthology. Her play Suburban News received the Jerome Award and was performed at the Theatre for the New City in New York. Dr. Glickman is President of the Association of Professors of Yiddish, and has been Associate Editor of Modern Jewish Studies/Yiddish since 1998. She is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association, and co-editor of the semi-annual LAJSA Bulletin. She is Second Vice president of the CUNY Academy for the Humanities and the Sciences, where she coordinates the Junior Faculty Colloquia. Her participation at the University Theatres has resulted in her plays productions by a number of universities including Smith College, Cornell, Barnard, Lieges, Mexico, and The Hebrew University. She was the recipient of numerous PSC-CUNY Awards and of the President’s Award for Innovative Teaching at Queens College.
Recent Publications
- The Jewish White Slave Trade: The Case of Raquel Liberman, New York: Garland Press: 2000.
- “Regeneración” de Leib Malach y la trata de blancas, Buenos Aires: Pardés. 1984.
Fiction/ Collections of Short Stories
- Puerta entre abierta, Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 2004.
- Mujeres, memorias, malogros, Buenos Aires: Milá, 1991.
- Uno de sus Juanes, Buenos Aires: Ediciones de la Flor, 1983.
- Teatro: Noticias de surburbio, Liturgias, Un día en New York and Una tal Raquel. Buenos Aires: Nueva Generación, 2000.
- Dos Charlottes in Dramaturgas en la escena del mundo. Buenos Aires: Nueva Generación, 2004.
- Con madres como éstas (monologues) in Claves para el teatro de Nora Glickman. Ed.Mónica Bausset. Buenos Aires: Nueva Generación, 2007.
- Brújula / The Compass Issue devoted to Argentine and Uruguayan Writers. Latin American Writers’ Institute: Introduction and interview. New York, March 1996.
- Contemporary Argentine Jewish Fiction and Drama. A Critical Anthology. (Guest Editor) Modern Jewish Studies/ Yiddish, Queens College, 1993.
- Argentine Fiction in Translation. Modern Jewish Studies/Yiddish.(Guest Editor) Queens College, 1993.
- Crossing Continental Bridges: Cinematic and Literary Representations of Spanish and Latin American Themes. Tucson: Chasqui Press, 2005. (Includes introduction, notes, glossary and article on Onetti and Film adaptation).
- Contemporary Argentine Jewish Drama: A Critical Anthology in Translation. Bucknell University Press, 1996.
- Tradition and Innovation: Jewish Issues in Latin American Jewish Writings. SUNY Press, Albany, 1993.
- Theatre/Teatro. Antologia Bilingue/ Bilingual Anthology. Buenos Aires: Tu Llave, 2008.
Chapters in Anthologies
- “La Nueva York de Luisa Valenzuela, contrastada,” Luisa Valenzuela sin máscara. Ed. Gwendolyn Díaz, Feminaria Editora, Buenos Aires, 2002, 141-153.
- “El teatro del absurdo de Diana Raznovich,” Antología de dramaturgia femenina, Antioquia: University of Antioquia, 1997, 188-194.
- “Discovering Self in History: Aída Bortnik and Gerardo Goloboff,” in The Jewish Diaspora in Latin America: New Studies on History and Literature, ed. by David Sheinin & Lois Barr, New York, 1996, 53-60.