Language Placement Questionnaire
If you are interested in taking a Spanish or Portuguese language course, please fill out the Language Placement Questionnaire so you can be placed in the right course.
(click spanish or portuguese for forms)
NOTE: Not reporting accurate information on the questionnaire will be considered a breach of the CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity (1.1 Cheating and/or 1.4 Falsification of Records and Official Documents) – click here
“It is the responsibility of students to find out from the appropriate department what level of language they should register for and to obtain permission from the department chair if there is any doubt. Students may not receive credit for taking courses below the level of their competency as determined by the instructor or by the placement examination.
If the instructor finds that a student is already competent at the level of instruction, this will be reported to the department chair, who will notify the Registrar to cancel credit for the course.” Queens College 2016-17 Bulletin, pp. 41-42
Language Placement Policy
Normally, one year of study of a foreign language at the high school level is the equivalent of one semester of study at the college level.
If you are a Non-Heritage Speaker of Spanish/Portuguese and you never studied either of these languages before, you will be placed in SPAN 111 or PORT 111.
If you took Spanish in high school, you will be placed in the following course
1 year SPAN 112
2 years SPAN 203
3 years SPAN 204
If you are a Heritage or Native Speaker of Spanish/Portuguese who grew up in a Spanish/Portuguese speaking home, you will be placed in the appropriate course according to your proficiency.
Before consulting the Hispanic Languages and Literatures about your placement in a Spanish or Portuguese class, please contact the Language Coordinator by email at You will receive a response to the placement questionnaire or email within 48 business hours.