Hispanic Cinema Series

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Hispanic Cinema Series Title

Selected Fridays

Rosenthal 230 (Library Basement) 6 pm
All the movies in Spanish with English subtitles

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Curated by:
Álvaro Fernández
Class Struggle Title
Cosmopolitanism -though not necessarily cosmopolitan democracy-
is now largely the project of capitalism, and it flourishes
in the top management of multinational corporations and even more
in the consulting firms that serve them. Such cosmopolitanism
often joins elites across national borders
while ordinary people live in local communities.
This is not simply because common folk are less sympathetic
to diversity -a self-serving notion of elites.
It is also because the class structuring of public life
excludes many workers and others.

Craig Calhoun 

The Class Consciousness of Frequent Travelers:
Toward a Critique of Actually Existing Cosmopolitanism
The view of the sky in between buildings. The text reads: Un poquito del sol que a vos te sobra.

November 6
La zona / The Zone (2007)
Dir.: Rodrigo Plá

-In the event of violence La zona residents will automatically lose all the special rights the law grants them.
-We have to fix this ourselves. We must find the murderer.
We´ve got weapons. Let´s use them. We´d be only defending ourselves.

Residents of a gated community in Mexico DF are shocked by a violent crime.
But for one of them, the story has a turn when he finds a kid who escaped the event
and is hiding out withing the neighborhood’s borders.



November 20
El hombre de al lado / The Man Next Door (2009)
Dir.: Mariano Cohn & Gastón Duprat

I just need some of the sun that you have so much of… I need some of the sun that you don´t use.

A small incident over two neighbors common wall in a prestigious and historical building
sparks a powerful and controversial conflict.
A heavy-handed statement on class distinction and prejudice in contemporary society.



December 4
El método / The Method (2005)
Dir.: Marcelo Piñeyro

If at any moment you consider that any of the test are unacceptable,
you can abandon the process. No one is obliged to do anything
but while you remain here you must accept the conditions set out in the Grönholm Method.

During IMF & World Bank Summit, major corporation Dekia holds interviews
to recruit a top executive from seven applicants.
Their doubts start when they have to sign a clause accepting the Grönholm Method,
which nobody ever heard of. It soon becomes clear the test are dirty mind games,
but never what is true and what is the trick.


Contextual information, brief analysis and reading suggestions will be provided

These films contain scenes that some viewers may find disturbing

The view of the sky through a city street.