Comparative Literature 101H: Ancient Global Literatures
3 hr.; 3 cr. Pre-requisite: ENGL 110
Great works of Ancient & Medieval Literature and Culture. [Fulfils the World Culture (WC) requirement and the Pre-Industrial Society (PI) extended requirement; it also satisfies one Writing Intensive requirement: College Writing 1 (EC1).
English 130H: Writing about Literature
in English
3 hr.; 3 cr. Pre-requisite: ENGL 110
Focusing on close reading of primary and secondary sources, conducting original research, and developing analytical arguments about literary texts in different genres, including poetry and drama. (EC2)
Philosophy 104H: An Introduction to Ethics
3 hr.; 3 cr.
Emphasizing classical as well as contemporary sources [Satisfies the Individual and Society (IS) requirement; fulfils the European Tradition (ET) requirement; it also satisfies one Writing Intensive (WI) requirement].
3 hr.; 3 cr. Pre-requisite: By permission only.
A close study of some influential classical texts exploring their understanding of the human condition and its ethical and political consequences as well as the relation of gods and mortals and the limits of knowledge. Topics will include the place of the Greek and Roman literature and thought in relation to other ancient Mediterranean cultures, the character of oral literature and of the transition from the oral to the written, and the significance of reevaluating ancient ceremonial or religious literature as literature in the humanistic tradition.
3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: By permission only.
An examination of the ideas of Renaissance and Reformation in the literature, theology, and philosophic thought of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries as well as the effects of the encounter with the New World in the age of exploration; materials to be studied may include authors, texts, and art from both the Old and the New World.
HTH 220: The Medieval World
3 hr.; 3 cr. Pre-requisite: By permission only.
A study of material illustrating the encounters between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and the development of vernacular and courtly culture from the fourth through fifteenth centuries. Topics of interests include the transmission of ancient knowledge through the Byzantine and Islamic empires, the expansion of cultural contact through trade, and the emergence of new theological and philosophical discourses.
3 hr.; 3 cr. Prereq.: By permission only.
Comparison of photography and other visual arts to fiction, poetry, essay, and other forms of writing in order to raise questions about how stories are told by the visual arts and by literature, and how believability is established by these different arts. The course considers what readers and viewers expect from these different art forms and how, at times, visual and verbal arts are linked together in support of one another and, at others, kept separate or even in opposition.
3 hr.; 3 cr. Pre-requisite: By permission only.
An intensive and interdisciplinary exploration of a major literary theme, philosophical issue and/or historical concern (e.g., The Problem of Evil, Literature and Memory, Utopias/ Dystopias, Music as Intellectual History). The course may include both ancient and modern and both Western and non-western texts and art.
HTH 350: Senior Thesis
3 cr. HTH 300
Senior Thesis. An independent study in which the student will research and write an annotated bibliography, and an honors thesis of at least 25 pages.
Students who complete at least six of the eight courses, at least one of which must be HTH 300, receive an HTH graduation certificate, and graduate with a minor in HTH, which is listed on the final transcript, as “Honors in the Humanities.”
Eligibility: A 3.3 GPA is required for admission to and retention in the Program. Although it is recommended and typical that students begin the courses in their freshman year, sophomore entry is permitted.