Queens College Partnerships with University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Queens College established two programs as part of its partnership the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.

Joint Program (China Program)

1. The joint program (China Program) between Queens College and the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) started in 1996 after a group of Queens College faculty members visited the school of foreign languages at USST in Shanghai. There was a mutual understanding that Chinese students want western education on business programs. Students enrolled in the program would take English and business courses for 4 years. All the business courses would be taught by professors sent to USST from Queens College. After 4 years, students would be awarded the degree from USST and a graduation certificate from Queens College. From 1996 to 2019, Dr. Howard Kleinmann was in charge of the program and the program has been very successful. Thousands of students have graduated from the program.


2+2 program at Queens College

2. The 2+2 program at Queens College is the first joint-degree program between Queens College and a foreign institution. Students enrolled in the 2+2 program first spend two years in the joint program (China program) between Queens College and USST, studying English and business courses, and then two years at Queens College and study economics. Upon graduation, they are awarded a degree from both universities.  

The discussion of the 2+2 program started after Queens College President Félix Matos Rodríguez and Provost Elizabeth Hendrey embarked on a trip to Asia to explore educational cooperation opportunities between Queens College and foreign universities. As a result of the trip, Queens College and the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) in China established the 2+2 program in 2017.

The Queens College-USST 2+2 program offers excellent opportunities for Chinese students joining us at Queens College, and it enriches teaching and learning experiences for all Queen College students, staff, and faculty who benefit from exposure to diverse and global perspectives.

Students who graduated from the program have received degrees from Queens College and USST. More and more students from the 2+2 program are currently enrolled at Queens College. They have received numerous scholarships and awards, including the John McDermott Scholarship, Mary O’Connor Scholarship, etc., and have been named Presidential Scholars. Many students from the program plan to pursue graduate studies once they graduate. So far, they have been accepted by graduate programs from the Johns Hopkins University, NYU, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, etc.


Contact Information

Dr. Tao Wang
Professor, Department of Economics
Director of the China Program and the 2+2 USST Program
Queens College of City University of New York
Queens, NY 11367
Office phone: 718-997-5445
Email: Tao.Wang@qc.cuny.edu