Welcome to the The Fashion & Design Program
Student clothing designer

Emily Ripley
Director of the Fashion and Design Program
Curator of the Queens College Fashion and Textiles Collection

Program Office: Rathus Hall 203
Email: emily.ripley@qc.cuny.edu

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The Fashion and Design Program at Queens College

The Fashion and Design program at Queens College features a strong liberal arts curriculum that examines global fashion through the lens of history, theory, DEI initiatives, sustainability, and socio-cultural issues. We are unique in offering undergraduate students a multi-disciplinary approach integrating fashion and material culture studies with practices in design. The hands-on use of the Queens College Fashion and Textiles Collection gives our students unprecedented training usually reserved for graduate level studies. The Fashion and Design program offers students the opportunity to explore multiple areas of study within the fashion field. 


Employment Opportunities

Our graduates are working in many jobs within the fashion field including:
Fashion Design
Fashion Production
PR for fashion labels
Textiles Coordinators for major brands
Copywriters for fashion brands
Retail brand managers
Accessory supervisors
Quality control associates
Archivists in museums and collections

Preparation for Graduate and PhD studies in the field

We prepare our students for graduate level studies including:
Fashion curation
Fashion theory
Fashion conservation
Collections management for museums and archives
Fashion law
Fashion Design