Italian Faculty
Full Time Faculty
Eugenia Paulicelli
Eugenia Paulicelli, Professor
PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Queens Hall 330C2
Eugenia Paulicelli is Professor of Italian, Comparative Literature, Women’s Studies at Queens College and the CUNY Graduate Center. At The Graduate Center, she is appointed faculty in the programs of Comparative Literature, The Italian Specialization, Women’s Studies, and The Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, where the concentration in Fashion Studies she created is housed.
She was born in Canosa in the region of Puglia in Italy. She studied in Italy at the University “Aldo Moro”, Bari and in the US where she completed her PhD in Italian with a minor in French at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (1991). In Italy, she specialized in English Literature, semiotics, and feminist theory. In the US, during graduate school she furthered her research interest in the relationship between word and image, art and literature, and critical theory, from which her approach to fashion has drawn. Since then, she has worked on establishing the study of fashion at CUNY with an academic and inter-disciplinary approach in Italian and Women’s Studies, and on collaboration with colleagues in the arts and humanities, social sciences, digital humanities.
Her research spans the history and theory of fashion, the relationship between fashion, film, literature and other media, the politics of gender and race, women’s history, the role of narrative in nation building. She has curated several exhibitions as part of The Fabric of Cultures Project and has authored and has co-curated an academic book of the same title and two catalogues:
As author, editor and co-editor, she has written 13 books on early modern Italian writers such as Baldassarre Castiglione, Arcangela Tarabotti, Cesare Vecellio, Giacomo Franco and their costume books, and modernist writers such as the feminist seamstress and writer Rosa Genoni, futurist artists and fashion, Natalia Ginzburg, Clara Sereni and Italo Calvino, on Italian filmmakers such as Nino Oxilia, Michelangelo Antonioni and Federico Fellini. She has also written on Salvatore Ferragamo and cinema (in Shoe-Reels. The History and Philosophy of Footwear in Film (2020) and on “Made in Italy and cultural translation: From Gucci to Dapper Dan and Back” (2021).
Her books include Moda e Cinema in Italia. Dal Muto ai nostri giorni (Mondadori: 2020); Italian Style. Fashion & Film from Early Cinema to the Digital Age (Bloomsbury: 2016); Film, Fashion and the 1960s (co-editor, Indiana University Press: 2017) the bilingual monograph on Rosa Genoni (Deleyva: 2015; 2017); Moda e Letteratura nell’Italia della prima modernità (Meltemi Press, 2019, Italian translation of Writing Fashion in Early Modern Italy, Ashgate: 2014); Fashion Under Fascism. Beyond the Black shirt (Berg: 2004); and The Routledge Companion to Fashion Studies (co-editor, Routledge: 2021)
Her essays have appeared in Fashion Theory; Fashion Practice; The Italianist; Annali d’Italianistica; Annalecta Husserliana; Journal of Modern Italian Studies; Film, Fashion & Consumption, Textile, Cloth and Culture; Carte Semiotiche; Romance Notes; Gender & History; and collections such as The Cambridge Companion to Modern Italy; Visual Typologies; The Fashion History Reader; Storia d’Italia- Storia dei consumi; The History of Global Fashion (2022, forthcoming) and others.
As an Italianist, she has created several projects that innovate the Italian curriculum in higher education and connect language and culture through the introduction of art, fashion and material culture. See the pedagogy page on the Fabric of Cultures site:
The recipient of several grants from the Italian Foreign Ministry in support of her projects, she has collaborated with The Italian Cultural Institute, The Italian Consulate, and the Italian Trade Commission in New York. One of the latest projects supported by a grant from the Italian Foreign Ministry is the production of four short films on “The New Made in Italy” that can be viewed on the Youtube channel:
She has received international recognition for her work such as The Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professorship, University of Bristol, 2013; the “2019 Italian Ambassador of Design,” Johannesburg, South Africa, and for her contribution to the field of Fashion Studies, The Italian Cultural Heritage Committee of New York (2017). She has lectured in the US, Europe, China and South Africa.
She is also the founder of the CUNY Italian Film Festival IC-CUNY:
More information can be found at her personal site:
Anthony Julian Tamburri
Calandra Italian American Institute
25 West 43 St, NYC
Anthony Julian Tamburri is Dean of the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute and Distinguished Professor of European Languages and Literatures. Since 1990, he has migrated between Italian and Comparative Studies. He holds a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. He is co-founder of Bordighera Press, and past president of the Italian American Studies Association and the American Association of Teachers of Italian. He is the author of more than a dozen books, which include: Semiotics of Re-reading: Guido Gozzano, Aldo Palazzeschi, and Italo Calvino (2003); Narrare altrove: diverse segnalature letterarie (2007); Una semiotica dell’etnicità: nuove segnalature per la scrittura italiano/americana (2010); Re-viewing Italian Americana: Generalities and Specificities on Cinema (2011); Re-reading Italian Americana: Generalities and Specificities on Literature and Criticism (2014); Scrittori Italiano[-]Americani: trattino sì trattino no (2018); and Un biculturalismo negato: la letteratura “italiana” negli Stati Uniti (2018) . He is the executive producer of Italics, Television for the Italian American Experience, produced in collaboration with CUNY TV. In 2000, he received the Outstanding Alumnus Award from his alma mater, Southern Connecticut State University; in the same year, Italy conferred on him the honor of Cavaliere dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana.
Morena Corradi
Queens Hall 205E
Morena Corradi is Associate Professor of Italian at Queens College. She holds a Laurea in Modern Languages and Literatures from the University of Bologna, a MA in Italian from the University of Washington, and a PhD in Italian Studies from Brown University. Her research interests are 19th-century fantastic literature and theory, nationalism, cultural studies, 19th-century printed media, narrative theory. Her teaching areas include 19th and 20th century Italian literature, contemporary Italian culture and society, nation-building. She is the author of articles on the Milanese Scapigliatura, and on post-unification political and literary journals. She has published the monograph Spettri d’Italia: scenari del fantastico nell’Italia postunitaria (Longo Editore, 2016).
Emeritus Faculty
Hermann W. Haller
Hermann W. Haller is Professor of Italian at Queens College and at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. He received his doctoral degree from the University of Bern, after studying Romance Philology, Italian and French language and literature at the Universities of Bern, Florence, Paris. He is the author of Der deiktische Gebrauch des Demonstrativums im Altitalienischen (1973), Il Panfilo veneziano. Edizione critica con introduzione e glossario (1982), The Hidden Italy. A Bilingual Edition of Italian Dialect Poetry (1986), Una lingua perduta e ritrovata: l’italiano degli italo-americani (1993), The Other Italy: the literary canon in dialect (1999), La Festa delle Lingue. La Letteratura dialettale in Italia (2002), Tra Napoli e New York. Le macchiette italoamericane di Eduardo Migliaccio (2006), the critical edition of John Florio’s A Worlde of Wordes (2013), and of more than one hundred articles, book chapters, and reviews. His research interests are mainly in Italian linguistics, the relations between language and literature, Italian dialect literature. He was a NEH fellow (1994-95), and received the International Dino Campana Award (1990) and the Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione MLA Publication Award (1998). He was elected in 2006 as a Member of the Accademia della Crusca (Socio Corrispondente Straniero).
Adjunct Faculty
Antonino Bonanno
Queens Hall 205L
Floriana Frigenti
Queens Hall 330G
Annalisa Guzzardi
Queens Hall 205L
Laura DePaola
Queens Hall 205L
Veronica Gianello
Queens Hall 205L
Paola Rodriguez
Queens Hall 205L