Why Study German?
A knowledge of German is essential for students interested in a traditional liberal arts education, and in contemporary cultural, political, and economic developments in Europe and Eastern Europe. German is spoken in four countries with unique cultural, political, and economic traditions: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein.
German-speaking scholars have played a leading role in shaping our modern fields of inquiry, including music, art history, literature, philosophy, religion, the natural and social sciences. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the unification of Germany. As the largest trading partner in Europe, Germany will continue to play a leading role in European and world affairs. Queens College students with majors and minors in German have gone on to pursue professional and academic careers in art, literature, philosophy and music as well as business, law, government service, and medicine.
Study German at Queens College
Major in German
33 credits including German 204 are required for the major. Students must take at least 24 credits from among language courses in the 200 series and from among courses in the 300 series. The remaining 9 credits may be taken from among any other German courses, including those taught in English (German 41, German 50, German 310-315).
Students may take coursework at Hunter College or at accredited study abroad programs such as FUBiS or FU-BEST in order to fulfill their requirements for the minor and major. Interested students should consult with the academic advisor for German as early as possible.
Minor in German
The minor in German combines the study of German language, literature, and culture with another discipline outside the German program. The minor in German requires 15 credits beyond German 111 or its equivalent. 6 credits must be taken from among language courses in the 200 series (223-236); at least 3 credits are required in the 300 series. The remaining 6 credits may be taken from any of the courses above the level of 204, including those taught in English translation (German 41, German 250, German 310-315).
Study German Abroad
The German Program enjoys a close affiliation with the Freie Universität Berlin im Sommer (FUBiS) program. Queens College students attend the Winter and Summer terms each academic year. Students also have the opportunity to enroll in FU-BEST, a semester-long academic program also at the Freie Universität in Berlin. Grants and scholarship opportunities are available.
Internships in Germany
Internships with German firms and institutions are possible through various CUNY, national, and international organizations. Interested students are urged to consult with the academic advisor for German as early as possible in order to plan their program of study.
Office Information
Department Chair:
Gerasimus Katsan
Queens Hall 200
718-997-5980 (phone)
718-997-5072 (fax)
German Undergraduate Coordinator:
Christa Spreizer
Queens Hall 330D