Master of Arts in Teaching Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 2)


The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) in Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 2) serves those who wish to teach and work with young children–from birth through age 8–and their families. Early childhood settings include, but are not limited to, infant and toddler programs, preschools, public and private pre-kindergartens through second grade, as well as community agencies.

Who This Program Is For:
This program is designed for students who are looking to obtain their Initial Teaching Certificate in Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 2). To apply you must have a bachelor’s degree with a major or concentration in a liberal arts or sciences subject OR hold an undergraduate degree and prior certification in Childhood Education/Grades 1–6.

Program Requirements:
The MAT in Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 2) consists of twelve courses (36 credits), including one semester of student teaching for those without prior certification or a 50 hr. practicum for those with prior certification. To continue in the program, students must maintain a B average..

Required Courses:
All students
EECE 520 Language Development and Emergent Literacy (3 cr.)
EECE 525 Language and Literacy Learning in the Elementary Years (3 cr.)
EECE 702 Social Foundations of Education  (3 cr.)
EECE 710 Ecological Perspectives on Development: The Early Years (3 cr.)
EECE 724 Curriculum and Environmental Design for Early Childhood: Part I (3 cr.)
EECE 725 Curriculum and Environmental Design for Early Childhood: Part II (3 cr.)
EECE 737 Infants and Toddlers: Curriculum and Teaching (3 cr.)
EECE 750 Modern Learning Technology (3 cr.)
EECE 762 Schooling in a Diverse Society (3 cr.)
EECE 706 Classroom-Based Assessment and Research in Early Childhood Education (3 cr.)
ECPSE 550 Foundations of Special Education (3 cr.)
EECE 565 Student Teaching (3 cr.)

Completion of this program and all New York State requirements for certification leads to recommendation by the Division of Education for NYS Initial & Professional Certification in Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 2). Students should contact the Certification Office for up-to-date information on NYS certification requirements.

To Apply:
Applicants must meet the following admissions requirements:

All Applicants without prior certification must also:

  • Hold an earned bachelor’s degree with a 30 credit major in the liberal arts or sciences
  • Meet the required core course requirements (see Application Worksheet)***

All Applicants with prior certification must also:

  • Hold a teaching certificate in Childhood Education (Grades 1-6) or Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 2)

Applications are accepted for fall admission only.

Program Coordinators

Dr. Michael Perrone
Office: Powdermaker Hall 054
Phone: 718-997-5302

GRE Information

​Please note: Please note: Effective immediately, all EECE graduate programs will no longer require a standardized examination, such as the GRE, for admission.

Candidate Handbook
Master of Arts in Teaching, Birth – 2nd Grade