Big Buddy FAQs

Q: What is the Big Buddy program? 

A: Big Buddy is a mentorship program started at Queens College in 1989. QC students serve as “Big Buddies” to mentees, children ages 5-11 and engage in academic, cultural, and recreational activities with the kids. 

Q: What are the requirements to be a Big Buddy? 

A: You must be enrolled in at least 12 credits for the semester they will be a Big Buddy and have a 2.5 minimum GPA 

Q: Do I need to be an education major or have prior tutoring experience?  

A: All majors are welcome to apply! Experience in tutoring children is preferred, but not required.  

Q: What are the hourly requirements of the Big Buddy mentor role?  

A: Big Buddy mentors will work 2.5 hours on two weekdays per week on site, totaling 5 hours. The mentors must commit to hours outside of the site as well: 1 hour per week to create lesson plans and reflections on the sessions, 1 in person orientation at the beginning of the Spring semester, and 4 in person monthly professional development sessions throughout the semester. 

Q: Is the mentor role paid?  

A: Yes, Big Buddies will earn $17/hour for all the requirements in question #4, paid in two stipend checks at the halfway and end points of the semester.  

Q: Are you currently accepting applications?

A: No, we are not currently accepting applications, but you can check back in at the end of the Fall semester. 

Q: If I have more questions, who should I contact?  

A: You can email us at or call us at 718-570-0565. We are also available on campus in Frese Hall, room 102.