CUNY Service Corps Group Photo

Program Overview

The Queens College Service Corps is a strong pipeline for diverse talent into New York City’s public sector, having provided thousands of students with paid work experiences in community-based organizations and government agencies since the program’s launch in 2013. The Service Corps mobilizes students to work on projects that improve the civic, economic, and environmental sustainability of New York City. The hallmarks of the Service Corps include recruiting a participant cohort that reflects the demographics of New York City in terms of socio-economic and ethnic/racial diversity, thorough preparation of participants before they go into the field, ongoing professional development for participants and their onsite supervisors, and data-driven program management and assessment.

With the Service Corps, you can make a difference in your community, and gain professional skills and experience!

2024 Data

Total Dollars Earned by Students in QCSC

Total Hours Students Interned at NYC Nonprofits

Unique Community Partners


Students who completed their internship

A person sitting at a desk smiling.
Three people standing together.
A person sitting at a table talking.

Student Testimonials

“I have a strong ability to adapt to new environments and work well in teams. Additionally, I discovered that I excel in project management and problem-solving, skills that have proven invaluable in my professional development.”

I have the potential to grow professionally; I have been able to work in a team and it challenged me to take on great projects not just in the internship but with other organizations as well.”

Community Partner Testimonials

“We had a great experience working with the QCSC program this academic year. From recruitment to communication with the QC team, to working with the actual interns, everything was very smooth. We were very happy with the interns we had working with us and are happy to announce that both of them were placed with continued summer paid employment/internships.”

– Wildlife Conservation Society at Queens Zoo

“[Our intern] has been a dream to work with this past academic year…. She has been a tremendous support these last terms and we are sad to see her go, but know she will accomplish great things!”

– American Red Cross