Starting July 1, HireQC will no longer be powered by Simplicity. Our new platform for job opportunities is Handshake. Click here for more information

Share Your Journey

QC Alumni, share with us your experiences in your career journey. The community is in need of your support to propel the next generation of leaders. This survey is only used for administrative purposes to serve QC students.

Group of people sitting on the grass at QC Campus.

Students are studying and hanging out on campus.


Join the Queens College Career Mentoring Program and become a mentor to a current student.​​


For alumni interested in hiring Queens College students for internships or jobs, create a listing on HireQC to make your posting accessible to all QC students.


Support the Queens College Critical Needs Fund and provide assistance to students affected by the pandemic.


Hold virtual sessions to speak with students about your organization, career opportunities or hold a skill-building workshop.

Receive Guidance

For alumni within one year of graduation, meet with members of the team to better guide your journey out of school. Bring us your questions and we will answer them.