Full-Time Faculty
Nelson, Michael | Ancient and Classical Art | michael.nelson@qc.cuny.edu |
Horton, Heather | Renaissance and Baroque Art | Heather.Horton@qc.cuny.edu |
Powers, Edward | Modern and Contemporary Art | Edward.Powers@qc.cuny.edu |
Waldron, Lawrence (Graduate Chair) | Latin America and Non-Western Art | lawrence.waldron@qc.cuny.edu |
Woodfin, Warren (Deputy Chair) | Byzantine and Medieval Art | warren.woodfin@qc.cuny.edu |
Adjunct Faculty
Antoniou, Maria | Maria.Antoniou@qc.cuny.edu |
Hartel, Herbert | Herbert.Hartel@qc.cuny.edu |
Lorenzo Loureiro, Alejandro | alejandro.loureirolorenzo@qc.cuny.edu |
Peredo, Roberto | Roberto.Peredo@qc.cuny.edu |
Fikrig, Michelle | Michelle.Fikrig@qc.cuny.edu |
Jones, Jennifer | Jennifer.Jones@qc.cuny.edu |
Full-Time Faculty
Caldwell, Kristy | kristy.caldwell@qc.cuny.edu |
DeRosa, Andrew | andrew.derosa@qc.cuny.edu |
Fortunato, Amy | amy.fortunato@qc.cuny.edu |
Grella, Dustin | dustin.grella@qc.cuny.edu |
Weinstein, Kathryn | Kathryn.Weinstein@qc.cuny.edu |
Woo, Danne (Deputy Chair) | danne.woo@qc.cuny.edu |
Adjunct Faculty
Full-Time Faculty
Gonzalez, Tony** | antonio.gonzalez@qc.cuny.edu |
Greco, Matthew (Deputy Chair) | matthew.greco@qc.cuny.edu |
Adjunct Faculty
Diaz, Marisol | marisol.diaz@qc.cuny.edu |
Dodson, Laura | Laura.Dodson@qc.cuny.edu |
Harris, Steven | Steven.Harris@qc.cuny.edu |
Mesa-Pelly, Deborah | deborah.mesapelly@qc.cuny.edu |
Minielli, Gina | gina.minielli@qc.cuny.edu |
Quintana, Maria | maria.quinata@qc.cuny.edu |
Full-Time Faculty
Bass, Chloe | chloe.bass@qc.cuny.edu |
Ho, Sin-Ying | sinying.ho@qc.cuny.edu |
Goldberg, Glenn | Glenn.Goldberg@qc.cuny.edu |
Kauper, Kurt | Kurt.Kauper@qc.cuny.edu |
Priestly, Debra (Deputy Chair) | debra.priestly@qc.cuny.edu |
Sholette, Gregory | gregory.sholette@qc.cuny.edu |
Adjunct Faculty
Ahn, Seongmin | seongmin.park@qc.cuny.edu |
Cannon, Jessica | jessica.cannon@qc.cuny.edu |
Ebner, Rosanne | rosanne.ebner@qc.cuny.edu |
Esposito, Christopher | christopher.esposito@qc.cuny.edu |
Grullon, Alicia | alicia.grullon@qc.cuny.edu |
Kristensen, Anna | anna.kristensen@qc.cuny.edu |
Lieb, Nathaniel | nathaniel.lieb@qc.cuny.edu |
Mackie,Lisa | lisa.mackie@qc.cuny.edu |
Marino-Jones, Mary | MMarinojones@qcc.cuny.edu |
Mittal, Puneeta | Puneeta.Mittal@qc.cuny.edu |
Mulford, Anne | Anne.Mulford@qc.cuny.edu |
Powhida, William | William.Powhida@qc.cuny.edu |
Smith, Krista-Louise | kristalouise.smith@qc.cuny.edu |
Sullivan, Jennifer | jennifer@jennifersullivan.org |
** On Sabbatical **