The Minor in Power and Inequality is designed to help students learn and engage with social issues, especially those related to ongoing inequalities in the U.S. and abroad. The Minor in Power and Inequality is designed for students who want to understand better and participate in policy initiatives, social analysis, and activism aimed at addressing inequality . The Minor in Power and Inequality is ideal for those who seek to pursue careers in law, education, development, civil service and government, law enforcement, public health,
and nonprofit organizations.
The Minor in Power and Inequality consists of six courses totaling 18 credits . This includes two required introductory courses, one intermediate course, and three electives.
The Minor in Power and Inequality can be easily combined with Majors in other departments. If combined with a Major in Anthropology, four of the six courses (12 of the 18 credits) can overlap between the Major and the Minor and only 2 extra courses (6 extra credits) are required.

Requirements for the Minor in Power and Inequality
Two required courses:
ANTH 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 104 Language, Culture, and Society
Four elective courses:
ANTH 205 Peoples of Mexico & Central America
ANTH 206 Peoples of South America
ANTH 207 Native North Americans
ANTH 208 Peoples of South Asia
ANTH 208W Peoples of South Asia (W)
ANTH 210 Peoples of East Asia
ANTH 211 Peoples of Africa
ANTH 212 Peoples of the Middle East
ANTH 214 Peoples of New York City
ANTH 215W Peoples of the Caribbean (W)
ANTH 216 Peoples of Southeast Asia
ANTH 219 Topics in Cultural Area Studies
ANTH 220 Food and Culture
ANTH 222 Sex, Gender, and Culture
ANTH 224 Religion and Ritual
ANTH 225 Medical Anthropology
ANTH 232 Visual Anthropology
ANTH 233 Race, Class, and Ethnicity
ANTH 236 Culture and Learning
ANTH 237 Violence
ANTH 241 Archaeology of Mesoamerica
ANTH 243 Archaeology of North America
ANTH 246 Archaeology of the Near East
ANTH 246W Archaeology of the Near East (W)
ANTH 247 Archaeology of Africa
ANTH 248 World of the Vikings
ANTH 249 Topics in Archaeological Area Studies
ANTH 252 Historical Archaeology
ANTH 280 Language and Social Identity
ANTH 282 Linguistic Subjectivities in Latin America
ANTH 289 Topics in Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH 302 Ecology and Culture
ANTH 304 Anthropology of Development
ANTH 308 Urban Anthropology
ANTH 330 Seminar in Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 332 Anthropology of Memory
ANTH 342 Origins of Complex Societies
ANTH 380 Seminar in Linguistic Anthropology
ANTH 388 Voices of New York