Accelerated Graduate Degrees
If you are a Queens College student in upper sophomore or lower junior standing (45 – 75 credits) with a GPA of 3.0 or above, you may be eligible to enroll in an accelerated graduate degree. Accelerated degree programs allow qualified students to begin taking coursework for a Master’s degree or graduate certificate as an undergraduate student. Admitted students begin taking graduate coursework at undergraduate tuition rates in their senior year.
Note: Admissions criteria vary from program to program. Students should consult with the graduate program advisor prior to submitting an application.
To apply to an accelerated program, students must submit an application via the the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System. See your graduate program of interest below to learn more, and check back soon for new programs!
- Professor Judy Sund
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, undergraduate Art History majors may take as many as four (4) GRADUATE COURSES as part of the BA in Art History. These courses will contribute to the completion of the requirements for the undergraduate Art History major.
Applicants must have a 3.7 GPA in Art History and should have completed 75-78 credits before applying.
Applicants are required to submit as part of the online application:
(i) a writing sample consisting of a scan/PDF of a complete and graded essay or paper by the student, which is at least two pages or more and demonstrates some of the student’s best work in a QC Art History course;
(ii) the names of two Art History faculty members or instructors at QC who have agreed to serve as the student’s recommenders (no formal letters of recommendation are needed); and
(iii) the student’s CUNY ID number. Students approved to begin the Accelerated MA in Art History may take any 700-level Art History course in lieu of necessary undergraduate electives.
*NOTE: If a student earned 12 graduate credits upon the completion of the BA in Art History, it is possible to complete the MA in Art History with an additional year of courses. However, the Art Department typically only offers two or three graduate courses per semester. Therefore, to complete the program on an accelerated basis, students might need to complete additional coursework at Hunter, City, or Brooklyn Colleges or the Graduate Center. Please discuss this with the Graduate Advisor.
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. To learn more about the Master’s in Art History (MA), see the Art Department’s website.
- Undergraduates: Dr. Holly Weisberg
- Graduate Students: Dr. Sally Izquierdo
With a letter of recommendation from an ABA faculty member, undergraduate Psychology majors may apply for the Accelerated Program.
Applications should include a personal statement describing the student’s interest in pursuing graduate training in behavior analysis. Accepted students may take the following 12 GRADUATE CREDITS as part of the BA degree in Psychology. These courses will replace the 2 required higher elective courses and 2 of the 5 lower elective courses. Registration is with permission of the Graduate Advisor.
- PSYCH 7713 Ethical Issues in Psychology (offered in Fall)
- PSYCH 705 Statistics (offered in Spring)
- PSYCH 730 Psychology of Learning (offered in Fall)
- PSYCH (choice of graduate elective)
Applicants must have at least a 3.5 GPA and have taken the three courses below:
- PSYCH 311 Advanced Experimental: Learning OR 317 Advanced Experimental: ABA
- PSYCH 251 Intro to Learning and Behavior Analysis
- PSYCH 372 Autism Practicum OR 374 Culturally Responsive Family Support Practicum
Accelerated students who graduate with the BA in Psychology, maintaining a 3.0 GPA and at least a B in each of the graduate level courses will automatically be accepted into the ABA Master’s program for the following fall. Accelerated students are encouraged to pursue a thesis track during their graduate training.
FELLOWSHIP: Accelerated undergraduate students may also work professionally at Queens College Autism Center for Evidence-Based Services (QC-ACES) or one of our off-campus fellowship sites to accrue supervised experience in Behavior Analysis.
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. Please remember to upload your letter of recommendation and personal statement. To learn more about the Master’s in Applied Behavior Analysis, see the department’s website.
- Graduate Advisor: Professor Greg O-Mullan
- Undergraduate Advisor: Professor Gillian Stewart
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE MAJORS: With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, undergraduate Environmental Science BS majors may take as many as twelve (12) GRADUATE CREDITS as part of the BS degree in Environmental Science. These courses will contribute to the completion of the Advanced Course requirements for the undergraduate Environmental Science BS major.
GEOLOGY MAJORS: With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, undergraduate Geology BS majors may take as many as twelve (12) GRADUATE CREDITS as part of the BS degree in Geology. Nine of the 12 credits may be used to replace the 200-300 level elective courses required for the Geology BS major. The remaining 3 credits can be used to take Geol 718 (Field Geology), which will replace the Geol 361 (Field Geology) course requirement for the Geology BS major.
BOTH MAJORS: Applicants to the Accelerated Graduate Track (AGT) must have all of the following before applying: i) a 3.0 GPA in the major (meaning all science and math courses); ii) completed at least 60 undergraduate credits; and iii) taken at least 6 credits at the 200-300 level in Ensci or Geol at SEES).
Students who are accepted into the program and who finish their undergraduate degree with a 3.0 GPA or higher in the major will be automatically accepted into the MS in Applied Environmental Geosciences program. Students who do not have the requisite 3.0 GPA in their major at graduation may still apply to the MS in Applied Environmental Geosciences program through the regular process. While the graduate credits earned in SEES will be accepted as transfer credit for the research-based Master of Arts degree in Geological and Environmental Sciences, admission to that program is only through the regular process.
Students in the Accelerated program may take only specified 700-level courses (see list below, along with requisites and permission of the instructor).
If a student has earned 12 graduate credits upon the completion of the BS in Environmental Science, it is possible to complete the MS in Applied Environmental Geosciences with 3 additional semesters, depending on courses completed and course availability. Note: if a student has completed the undergraduate version of a co-listed course (i.e., undergraduate/graduate co-list), they may not also receive graduate credit for the co-listed graduate course.
Requirements for the MS in Applied Environmental Geosciences
- GEOL 745. Hydrology or GEOL 746. Groundwater Hydrology
- GEOL 760. Environmental Geochemistry
- GEOL 761. Field Methods in Hydrology
- GEOL 767. Field Techniques in Environmental Sciences
- GEOL 766. Analytical Techniques in Environmental Geosciences
- GEOL 763. Geographic Information Systems and Geologic Mapping
Electives for the MS in Applied Environmental Geosciences
- GEOL 728. Volcanoes and Climate
- GEOL 747. Coastal and Estuarine Geology
- GEOL 750. Environmental Geology
- GEOL 764. Contaminant Hydrology
- GEOL 799. Environmental Impact Assessment
- GEOL 799. Soils in the Environment
- GEOL 799. Advanced Oceanography
- GEOL 799. Environmental Microbiology
- GEOL 799. Bioremediation
- GEOL 799. Environmental Risk Assessment and Management
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. To learn more about the MS in Applied Environmental Geosciences or the MA in Geological and Environmental Sciences, see the SEES MS Program or the graduate advisor.
- Other majors may qualify, if a student has completed the required neuroscience coursework. Requirements can be viewed here.
- Professor Kerstin Unger
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, as many as four (4) of the following GRADUATE COURSES may be taken as electives towards the approved major:
PSY 709.1 Basic Neuroscience: Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
PSY 709.2 Basic Neuroscience: Systems Neuroscience
PSY 709.3 Basic Neuroscience: Cognitive Neuroscience
PSY 709.4 Basic Neuroscience: Behavioral Neuroscience
PSY 704.1 Neuroscience Methods I: Statistics Research Design
PSY 704.2 Neuroscience Methods II: Quantitative Tools in Neuroscience
PSY 735. Perception
PSY 738. Cognition
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. Remember to upload the required recommendation letter from your current research, and in the section labeled “Name of Reference” enter the name of the mentor you would like to work with for your graduate thesis. To learn more about the Master’s in Behavioral Neuroscience (MABN), see the department’s website.
- Professor David Lahti
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, undergraduate Biology majors may take as many as twelve (12) GRADUATE CREDITS as part of the BA degree in Biology. These courses will contribute to the completion of the requirements for the undergraduate Biology major.
Applicants to the Accelerated Graduate Track (AGT) in Biology must have a 3.0 GPA in the major (meaning all science and math courses) and must have completed at least 60 credits before applying. Applicants must also submit a personal statement describing their reasons for requesting admission, including (a) why they want a Master’s in biology, and (b) information about their broader goals (to whatever extent they have considered them). Applicants should also request one letter of reference from a QC faculty member, such as their undergraduate advisor, and have this person send the letter by email to the Graduate Advisor for the Biology Department, Prof. David Lahti.
Students who are accepted into the program and who finish their undergraduate degree with as 3.0 GPA in the major will be automatically accepted into the MA in Biology. Students who do not maintain the requisite GPA may still apply to the MA program through the regular process.
With the exception of BIOL 791 (Colloquium) and BIOL 799 (Research), students in the Accelerated Graduate Track may take any 600- or 700-level course (with permission of the instructor). These courses may count towards required 300-level courses or as electives. Laboratory and field courses can count towards the undergraduate laboratory requirements.
If a student has earned 12 graduate credits upon the completion of the BA in Biology, it is possible to complete the MA in Biology with one additional year of courses. The research-intensive track requires an additional 18 credits (including a research-based Master’s thesis). The course-intensive track requires an additional 20 credits (including a literature-based review paper).
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. Remember to upload your personal statement, and in the section labeled “Name of Reference” enter the name of the faculty member who is providing a recommendation letter for you. The faculty member should send the actual letter by email to the graduate advisor. To learn more about the Master’s in Biology, see the department’s website.
- Professor Uri Samuni
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, undergraduate Chemistry majors may take as many as 12 graduate credits as part of the BS degree in Chemistry. These courses will contribute towards fulfilling the requirements of the undergraduate Chemistry major. Applicants to the accelerated degree program must have a 3.0 GPA in the major (science and math courses applied to the Chemistry major). Students who are accepted into the program and who finish their undergraduate degree with a 3.0 GPA in the major will be automatically accepted into the Chemistry MS program. Students who do not maintain the requisite GPA may still apply to the MS program through the regular process.
Students may choose from these graduate courses:
- CHEM 650 Biochemistry I [Replaces CHEM 371]
- CHEM 710 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry [Replaces CHEM 331.3]
- CHEM 750 Advanced Organic Chemistry [Replaces CHEM 351]
- CHEM 760 Quantum Chemistry [Replaces CHEM 212]
- CHEM 770 Thermodynamics and Kinetics [Replaces CHEM 211]
- CHEM 781 Advanced Seminar [Replaces CHEM 381]
- CHEM 786 Spectroscopic Methods [Replaces CHEM 352]
- CHEM 795 Research [Replaces CHEM 391]
- BIOCH 710 Advanced Biochemistry [Replaces CHEM 372]
- BIOCH 770 Physical Biochemistry [Replaces CHEM 378]
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. To learn more about the Master’s in Chemistry, see the department’s website.
- Professor Marcela Ossaparra
The Bilingual Extension is a fully online program that provides bilingual school teachers with a 15 credit program leading to the New York State Extension in Bilingual Education. The Extension in Bilingual Education qualifies the candidate to work as a teacher in bilingual classrooms and programs in New York State schools. Bilingual teachers need to be literate in both languages in order to qualify for the Bilingual Extension.
In this pathway, you may take up to 9 credits of graduate coursework in the Bilingual Extension Program to count towards both your baccalaureate degree requirements and the degree requirements for the Bilingual Extension Program, should you elect to apply to the program upon graduating with your BA degree. Students who are admitted in the Undergraduate Elementary Education (Grades 1-6) Major – Bilingual Extension accelerated degree pathway take graduate coursework at undergraduate tuition rates.
The Extension in Bilingual Education is offered in the following languages:
- Bangla
Haitian Creole
Students who speak other languages are also encouraged to apply.
In order to qualify for the EECE Bilingual Extension, the student must meet the following conditions, and have approval from the program advisor:
• Junior standing or beyond (60+ credits)
• Overall GPA of 3.0 or better
• GPA of 3.0 or better in a content major eligible for the Bilingual Extension program.
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, the following three (3) GRADUATE COURSES may be taken as free undergraduate electives—that is, these courses do not count as part of the undergraduate major; rather, they count towards the 120 total credits required of all Queens College bachelor’s degrees. These courses will also be accepted for transfer credit (up to 9 credits) when the student is admitted to the Queens College Bilingual Extension program.
- EECE 761 Foundations of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
- EECE 763 Developing Language and Literacy in the Home Language (Spanish) or its equivalent EECE 791 for languages other than Spanish
- EECE 766 Educational Linguistics and Psycholinguistics (3 cr.)
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. To learn more, see the department’s website.
CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (MAT Grades 1 through 6)
- UNDERGRADUATE ADVISOR: Professor Dana Calvet
- GRADUATE ADVISORS: Professors Mary Greiner
With the permission of the Undergraduate and Graduate Advisors, the following four (4) graduate courses may be taken in place of the regular undergraduate courses in Year 3 and Year 4 of the Applied Linguistics: TESOL BA.
- EECE 702. Social Foundations of Education [Replaces EECE/SEY S201W]
- EECE 711. Ecological Perspectives on Development: The Childhood Years [Replaces EECE 310W]
- ECPSE 550. Foundations of Special Education [Replaces ECPSE 350]
- EECE 520. Language Development and Emergent Literacy [Replaces LCD 312]
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. You may set up an appointment with Professor Calvet here. NOTE: Students applying to the program must receive approval from a Graduate Adviser no later than one week before the beginning of the semester. Late enrollment in graduate classes is not allowed. Enrollment is subject to availability in the graduate classes.
Learn more about the Master’s of Arts in Teaching in Childhood Education (MAT Grades 1 though 6), or learn more about the TESOL (BA).
- Professor Tatyung Kong
The Accelerated Master’s program enables qualified undergraduate Computer Science majors to take up to 12 credits of graduate courses, which will count towards both their bachelor’s degree (BA or BS) and the MA degree in Computer Science.
The following four (4) graduate courses may be taken in place of undergraduate courses:
- CSCI 700: Algorithms I[Replaces CSCI 323]
- CSCI 715: Distributed Computing[Replaces CSCI 344]
- CSCI 722: Computability and Complexity[Replaces an elective for the BA/BS]
- CSCI 744: Computer Architecture and Networks[Replaces CSCI 343]
*Special rules apply to students who have already taken CSCI 323, 343, or 344: For more information, contact Xiuyi Huang.
Applicants for the Accelerated MA must be upper sophomores or lower juniors with a minimum 3.5 GPA in the Computer Science major and at least 15 credits of major courses taken at Queens College.
NOTE: Admitted students whose GPA in graduate level courses is below 3.0 when they receive their bachelor’s degrees will not automatically become Computer Science MA students, though they may be accepted into the MA program if they apply for graduate admission.
To apply: Log in to the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst credentials) and submit an application. To learn more, contact Xiuyi Huang or visit the the department’s website.
- Professor Ryan Sperry
The Accelerated Master’s program enables students to take four MA courses for joint credit toward both their Sociology BA and Data Analytics and Applied Social Research MA requirements. With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, students with an overall GPA of at least 3.5 and a grade of B+ or better in DATA 205 and DATA 212 (or equivalent) may take as many as four (4) of the following GRADUATE COURSES as electives in the Sociology BA:
- One course in Sociological Theory or Substantive Topics in Sociology (3 credits)
- (e.g. DATA 701, DATA 702, DATA 728, DATA 736 or other courses with approval)
- DATA 710 Basic Analytics (4 credits)
- DATA 716 Professional Writing and Communication (3 credits)
- DATA 754 Applied Social Research I (3 credits)
Students may opt out of the program at any time. Upon entering the program, students will be subject to the rules for graduate students regarding minimum passing grades and GPA requirements: Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0, with a minimum passing grade of B- in courses required for graduation from either the Major or the MA degree (with one opportunity to retake any course falling below the B- standard). Students failing to maintain these standards before completing all requirements for the undergraduate degree will not be allowed to continue in the joint program, but they will be allowed to apply as new matriculants to the MA program.
Students will receive their BA degrees upon successful completion of all undergraduate requirements as outlined in the Undergraduate Course Bulletin. Students will receive their MA degree upon successful completion of the remaining graduate requirements as outlined in the Graduate Course Bulletin.
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. To learn more about the Master’s in Data Analytics and Applied Social Research, see the department’s website.
- Professor William Orchard
- Professor Clifford Mak
With the permission of the Director of Graduate Studies in English, undergraduate English majors who are approved for the accelerated English MA option may take up to nine (9) graduate English credits and count them toward both their BA degree in English and, later, the MA degree in English.
Students approved for the accelerated English MA option are eligible to take:
- ENGL 701. Graduate Methodologies
- Two 600- or 700-level English elective courses (excluding the creative-writing workshops and craft classes reserved for MFA students).
These courses will satisfy elective requirements for the undergraduate English major, as well as course requirements for the English MA degree.
How to Apply: Applicants for the accelerated English MA option must have a minimum 3.5 GPA in English and are required to submit:
- a writing sample of about 3–5 pages demonstrating their strongest work in an English course
- the name of one English Department faculty member who has agreed to serve as the student’s referral
- an unofficial transcript.
Note: Undergraduate students who are enrolled in the Queens College English Honors Program can complete twelve credits toward the MA when they enroll in ENGL 681 in the honors seminar’s second semester. This will allow them to transfer up to 12 graduate credits to the English MA program. (Twelve is the maximum number of graduate transfer credits that is allowed by the College.)
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application.
To learn more about the English MA program, see the English Department’s website.
- Professor Karen Sullivan
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, undergraduate French majors may take as many as four (4) GRADUATE COURSES as part of the completion of the BA degree in French. These courses will contribute to the completion of the requirements for the undergraduate French major.
Applicants must have completed 18 credit hours in the major, with a 3.0 GPA overall and a 3.3 GPA in their major courses. The advisor will consult with faculty in French as part of the admissions process.
Any graduate course currently offered is appropriate. However, no more than 12 graduate credits may be taken as an undergraduate may transfer to the graduate degree program.
If a student earned 12 graduate credits upon the completion of the BA in French, it is possible to complete the MA in French with one additional year of courses. To ensure timely completion of the degree, be sure to discuss course options with the Graduate Advisor.
- Fall Semester: (9 credits) French elective courses (x3)
- Spring Semester: (9 credits) French elective courses (x3)
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. To learn more about the Master’s in French (MA), see the department’s website.
- Professor Bobby Wintermute
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, undergraduate History majors may take as many as three (3) GRADUATE COURSES as part of the completion of the BA degree in History. These courses (i) may satisfy the requirement for one course in upper-division non-western history and/or (ii) may count towards the student’s concentration.
Applicants must have a 3.7 GPA in History and are required to submit as part of their online application: (i) a writing sample of two pages or more demonstrating some of the student’s best work in a QC History course; (ii) the names of two History Department faculty members or instructors who have agreed to serve as the student’s recommenders (no formal letters of recommendation are needed).
Students approved to begin the Accelerated MA in History are required to take HIST 791 as one of their first MA-level courses (HIST 791 is the only required course for the Accelerated MA). To complete the program, students may take any 700-level course except HIST 792 or HIST 796. Students must also take the First Comprehensive Exam halfway through their MA coursework.
Note: If students have earned 9 graduate credits upon the completion of their BA in History, it is possible to complete the “professional track” MA (36 credits) in one additional year. Students participating in the “research track” MA, or in the joint MLS/MA program would also benefit from acceleration, although both require the student to submit an additional application and may take another academic year for the student to complete.
To apply, send Professor Bobby Wintermute your writing sample and log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. Remember to upload your writing sample, and in the section titled, “Name of Reference” enter the names of the two History faculty members willing to serve as your recommenders. To learn more about the Master’s in History (MA), see the department’s website, or view a sample curriculum map.
- Professor Eugenia Paulicelli
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, undergraduate Italian majors may take as many as four (4) GRADUATE COURSES as part of the completion of the BA degree in Italian. These courses will contribute to the completion of the requirements for the undergraduate Italian major.
Applicants must have completed 18 credit hours in the major, with a 3.0 GPA overall and a 3.3 GPA in their major courses. The advisor will consult with faculty in Italian as part of the admissions process.
Any graduate course currently offered in Italian (ITAL) or Italian American Studies (IAST) would be appropriate. However, no more than 12 graduate credits taken as an undergraduate may transfer to the graduate degree program.
If a student earned 12 graduate credits upon the completion of the BA in Italian, it is possible to complete the MA in Italian with one additional year of courses. To ensure timely completion of the degree, be sure to discuss course options with the Graduate Advisor.
- Fall Semester: (9 credits) Italian elective courses (x3)
- Spring Semester: (9 credits) Italian elective courses (x3)
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) and submit an application. To learn more about the Master’s in Italian (MA), see the department’s website.
- Professor Dan Lee
The undergraduate BA in Mathematics requires students to choose from one of five degree-track options (Pure, Applied, Data Science and Statistics, Secondary Education, or Elementary Education). Each option allows a number of graduate classes (taken at Queens or on permit at another CUNY campus) to satisfy undergraduate degree requirements. Under the Accelerated MA in Mathematics, undergraduates majoring in Mathematics may transfer up to twelve (12) of these GRADUATE CREDITS to a Master of Arts in Mathematics. A student who earns 12 qualifying graduate credits at the undergraduate level may finish their Master of Arts in Mathematics program in one year.
Application to the Accelerated MA program should be made in the upper sophomore, lower junior, or upper junior semesters. To apply, students should speak with the Graduate Advisor. At the time of application, students must have a 3.5 GPA overall, and in Mathematics courses alone, and have at least 12 credits of Mathematics courses at Queens College. Upon completion of the BA in Mathematics, students in the Accelerated MA with a 3.0 GPA overall and in Mathematics courses alone will matriculate automatically into the MA in Mathematics. At that point, the credit transfer will occur. (Students who do not meet the GPA requirements may apply for admission to the MA through the regular application process.)
There are two restrictions on the graduate credit taken as part of the BA that may be transferred to the graduate degree program. First, only credit in which the student has earned a B or better may be transferred. Second, the following courses, when used as core requirements for the BA degree, may not be applied towards the MA degree:
- Pure or Applied Mathematics Options: MATH 611, 613
- Data Science and Statistics Option: MATH, 611, 613, 621, 633
- Secondary Education Option: MATH 505, 518, 611, 613
- Elementary Education Option: MATH 509, 518, 611, 613, 618
Master of Arts in Pure Mathematics requirements (30 credits)
A candidate for this degree is required to complete 30 credits in Mathematics including MATH 621, 628, 701, 702, and 703. With the approval of the Mathematics Department, a limited number of courses in Physics or Computer Science may be substituted. Note that the graduate courses listed above (categorized by undergraduate option) may not count for both the BA and MA degrees.
Master of Arts with a Concentration in Applied Mathematics requirements (30 credits)
A candidate for this degree is required to complete 30 credits in an approved sequence of graduate-level courses in Mathematics and related fields. All students must achieve a solid grounding in the three areas of probability and statistics, analytic methods, and numerical methods. This can be achieved by taking the following courses: MATH 621, 624, 625, 628, and 633. Note the that the graduate courses listed above (categorized by undergraduate option) may not count for both the BA and MA degrees.
Any modifications to the requirements of the Accelerated MA program may be made only with the permission of the Graduate Advisor.
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) and submit an application. To learn more about the MA in Mathematics, contact the graduate advisor or visit the program’s website.
- Other majors will be reviewed on case by case basis
- Professor Douglas Rushkoff, Program Director
- Professor Joshua Chapdelaine, Associate Director
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, up to twelve (12) graduate elective credits may satisfy elective requirements in the Media Studies undergraduate major. These credits may then be applied towards completion of the MA in Media Studies. [For students in majors other than Media Studies, these graduate elective credits do not count as part of the undergraduate major but will count towards the 120 total credits required of all Queens College bachelor’s degrees.]
Applicants for the accelerated Media Studies MA option must have a minimum 3.5 GPA in their Media Studies major and an overall GPA of 3.0. They are also required to submit the following information as part of their online application:
(i) a 500-word personal statement describing your academic, artistic, activist, or career goals, and how they intersect with the program’s emphasis on social change. Please upload the personal statement with your application;
(ii) the name of two Media Studies faculty members who can serve as your references (no formal letters of recommendation are required). Provide the two faculty members’ names in the section titled “Name of Reference” in the online application.
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application.
To learn more about the Master of Arts in Media Studies, contact the MA Director, Professor Douglas Rushkoff, or consult the Media Studies Department’s website.
- Professor Emily Wilbourne
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, undergraduate Music Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music majors may take as many as four (4) GRADUATE COURSES (12 credits) as part of their undergraduate course work. These courses will contribute to the completion of the requirements for the undergraduate Music major. Graduate courses taken by Accelerated Master’s students in Composition will be decided in consultation with the graduate advisor, Professor Jeff Nichols.
Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA in their Music major and should have completed 45-75 undergraduate credits before applying, including at least one semester of MUSIC 330. Applicants should provide two letters of reference from faculty members who know their work well.
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. Remember to provide the names of the to Music faculty members willing to serve as your recommenders in the section titled, “Name of Reference”. To learn more about the MM in Composition see the Music Department’s website.
- Professor Emily Wilbourne
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, undergraduate Music Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music majors may take as many as four (4) GRADUATE COURSES (12 credits) as part of their undergraduate course work. These courses will contribute to the completion of the requirements for the undergraduate Music major. Graduate courses taken by Accelerated Master’s students in Musicology will be decided in consultation with the graduate advisor, Professor Emily Wilbourne.
Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA in their Music major and should have completed 45-75 undergraduate credits before applying. Applicants should provide two letters of reference from faculty members who know their work well.
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. Remember to provide the names of the to Music faculty members willing to serve as your recommenders in the section titled, “Name of Reference”. To learn more about the MA in Musicology see the Music Department’s website.
- Professor Emily Wilbourne
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, undergraduate Music Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Music majors may take as many as four (4) GRADUATE COURSES (12 credits) as part of their undergraduate course work. These courses will contribute to the completion of the requirements for the undergraduate Music major. Graduate courses taken by Accelerated Master’s students in Music Theory will be decided in consultation with the graduate advisor, Professor William Rothstein.
Applicants must have a 3.5 GPA in their Music major and should have completed 45-75 undergraduate credits before applying. Applicants should provide two letters of reference from faculty members who know their work well.
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. Remember to provide the names of the to Music faculty members willing to serve as your recommenders in the section titled, “Name of Reference”. To learn more about the MA in Music Theory see the Music Department’s website.
With the permission of the Undergraduate and Graduate Advisors, up to four approved graduate courses (up to 12 credits) may be taken in place of the regular undergraduate courses in the last two semesters of the BS in Nutrition and Dietetics program.
- FNES 762. Nutrition Counseling [Replaces FNES 337; Nutrition Counseling and Education]
- FNES 770. Community Nutrition [Replaces FNES 382; Community Nutrition]
- FNES 775. Advanced Food Service Management [Can replace FNES 378; Quantity Food Purchasing, Production, and Equipment]
- FNES 711 (VT). Contemporary Issues in Nutrition, (e.g., Sports Nutrition and Advanced Diabetes Management, and Maternal and Infant Nutrition) or FNES 717. Geriatric Nutrition. [These replace up to two undergraduate electives]
Admission requirements:
- Minimum science GPA of 3.2
- Minimum major GPA of 3.4
- Minimum grade of A in FNES 263 and 264
- Completion of 50 hours of non-QC professional nutrition fieldwork (paid or unpaid)
- One professional reference from the above fieldwork experience supervisor
- A 250-300-word personal statement (Discuss how the fieldwork experience has enhanced your understanding of the role of a nutrition practitioner)
NOTE: Students will receive their BS degree and a DPD verification upon successful completion of all undergraduate requirements as outlined in the Undergraduate Course Bulletin or equivalent graduate courses as outlined above. Students will receive their MS degree upon successful completion of the remaining graduate requirements as outlined in the Graduate Course Bulletin. Students will receive their DI verification statement upon successful completion of the QC DI.
When to apply: Submit your application in the Summer or Fall before your final two semesters
Date of application: By June 15th or January 7th.
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. To learn more about the MS in Nutrition and Exercise Sciences, contact the graduate advisor or visit the department’s website. Contact Dr. Ashima Kant if you have any questions: ashima.kant@qc.cuny.edu.
- Professor Alberto Cordero-Lecca
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, strongly-qualified students may complete all requirements for both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degrees in Philosophy within four years – that is, within the time normally required for the Bachelor’s degree alone. Students in this program graduate Queens College with a BA/MA in Philosophy.
Applicants must be registered as philosophy majors at Queens College. Students are admitted into the program only during their Junior year. The usual procedure is for students to submit their applications for admission to the program during their upper Sophomore or lower Junior semester. Interested students are invited to discuss the program well in advance of their upper Sophomore semester with members of the Philosophy faculty, and in particular with the Graduate Advisor.
Application forms may be obtained in Powdermaker Hall, Room 350. The other requirements for admission to the program are as follows:
- An overall academic average not less than 3.2
- A Philosophy-course average not less than 3.5
- Completion of the General Education prescribed by the College for undergraduates generally, and
- Completion, before or during the Junior year, of three specific philosophy courses (or their equivalents), namely Philosophy 109 (Modern Logic), Philosophy 140 (History of Ancient Philosophy) and Philosophy 143 (History of Modern Philosophy I: Descartes to Hume).
- At least 15 credits of undergraduate philosophy courses, including specifically Philosophy 109, 140 and 143, all of which should be completed by the end of the student’s Junior year.
- At least 30 credits of graduate courses, of which up to 6 credits may be taken in a supporting field outside Philosophy. The graduate work in Philosophy, totaling at least 24 credits, must include courses chosen from at least three of these five groups of courses: (i) History of Philosophy; (ii) Logic and Philosophy of Science; (iii) Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Contemporary Schools of Philosophy; (iv) Theory of Value; and (v) Philosophies of Special Disciplines.
- Language Requirement: Either (a) three consecutive courses or (b) a proficiency exam (examination administered by the relevant language Department), in one of the following four languages: French, German, Greek, Latin.
- A written comprehensive examination in Philosophy, to be taken in the student’s final semester. The examination consists of two parts: the first part deals with major figures in the history of philosophy; the second part deals with a major field of philosophy selected by the student in consultation with the Graduate Program Advisor.
- A Master’s thesis, written under the supervision of a faculty director assigned to the student in consultation with the Graduate Program Advisor. The topic of the thesis should be selected at the beginning of the fourth year of study. (3 graduate Philosophy credits are given for this work and are counted towards the required minimum of 24).
To learn more about the Four-year Combined BA/MA in Philosophy, including how to apply, see the department’s website.
- Professor Cara Marshall
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, as many as four (4) of the following graduate courses may be taken by qualified undergraduates. Together these four courses will fulfill the requirements of the Advanced Certificate in Risk Management.
Advanced Certificate in Risk Management requirements (12 credits)
Three required courses (9 credits):
RM 701. Risk Management (fall only)
RM 704. Risk Measurement (fall only)
RM 711. Applied Financial Analysis (spring, fall and summer)
Elective course (choose one, 3 credits):
RM 706. Risk Transfer to Insurance Markets (spring, fall and summer)
RM 705. Risk Transfer to Financial Markets (spring and fall)
RM 702. Accounting for Risk (fall only)
RM 707. Financial Statement Analysis and Credit Risk Management (spring only)
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. To learn more about the MS in Risk Management (30 credits), contact the graduate advisor or visit the program’s website.
Admission to the MS in Risk Management Program
In addition to receiving the Advanced Certificate, the advisory board will allow direct admission into the full MS in Risk Management under these strict guidelines: Queens College undergraduates majoring in Accounting, BBA, Computer Science, Economics, Environmental Science, or Mathematics may be automatically admitted into the MS in Risk Management (in the concentration of their choice) if they meet the following three criteria:
(i) a major GPA of 3.7,
(ii) an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher, and
(iii) completed at least 12 weeks of employment or internship related to their field of study before matriculating into the Risk Management MS program.
Students who believe they meet (or will meet) these criteria should contact Cara Marshall, Program Director and Graduate Advisor before the end of their senior year, and submit proof of relevant internship/work experience as well as a Queens College transcript. The MS in Risk Management is a 30-credit program. Students who complete 12 credits as part of the Accelerated Master’s degree program are able to finish the full MS in one academic year.
Accelerated students who do not meet these criteria may apply to the MS in Risk Management program through the regular admission process for new matriculants to the MS program. For more information on program admissions, visit the department’s website.
- Professors David Gerwin and Jay Shuttleworth
In order to qualify for the Accelerated SEYS Social Studies Initial Certificate Program, the student must meet the following conditions, and have approval from the appropriate program advisor:
- Junior standing or beyond (60+ credits)
- Overall GPA of 3.0 or better
- GPA of 3.0 or better in a content major eligible for the SEYS certification program.
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, the following four (4) GRADUATE COURSES may be taken as free undergraduate electives—that is, these courses do not count as part of the undergraduate major; rather, they count towards the 120 total credits required of all Queens College bachelor’s degrees. These courses will also be accepted for transfer credit (up to 12 credits) when the student is admitted to the Queens College post-baccalaureate Initial Certificate program.
- SEYS 536. Educational Foundations
- SEYS 700. Language, Literacy, and Culture in Education
- ECPSE 550. Foundations of Special Education
- SEYS 563 Seminar in the Teaching of Social Studies
After completing remaining course work for the post-baccalaureate Initial Certificate program and fulfilling the state requirements for initial certification, students can apply for admission to the SEYS MS Ed Social Studies program, or other relevant Master’s programs in the Education Unit, or subject-specific Master’s such as the History MA (if an undergraduate major in History is held). Completion of such a Master’s degree can lead to professional certification if the necessary State requirements have been met.
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. To learn more about the Accelerated SEYS Social Studies Initial Certificate Program visit the department’s website or speak to one of the program advisors listed above.
- Professors Jennifer Eddy
In order to qualify for the Accelerated SEYS World Language Education Initial Certificate Program, the student must meet the following conditions, and have approval from the program advisor:
- Junior standing or beyond (60+ credits)
- Overall GPA of 3.0 or better
- GPA of 3.0 or better in a content major eligible for the SEYS certification program.
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, the following four (4) GRADUATE COURSES may be taken as free undergraduate electives—that is, these courses do not count as part of the undergraduate major; rather, they count towards the 120 total credits required of all Queens College bachelor’s degrees. These courses will also be accepted for transfer credit (up to 12 credits) when the student is admitted to the Queens College post-baccalaureate Initial Certificate program.
SEYS 536. Educational Foundations
SEYS 700. Language, Literacy, and Culture in Education
ECPSE 550. Foundations of Special Education
SEYS 564 Seminar in the Teaching of World Language Education
After completing remaining course work for the post-baccalaureate Initial Certificate program and fulfilling the state requirements for initial certification, students can apply for admission to the SEYS MSEd in Spanish, French, or Italian, or other relevant Master’s programs in the Education Unit, or subject-specific Master’s such as the Spanish, French, or Italian MA (if undergraduate major was in one of those languages). Completion of such a Master’s degree can lead to professional certification if the necessary State requirements have been met.
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. To learn more about the Accelerated SEYS Social Studies Initial Certificate Program visit the department’s website or write to Dr. Jennifer Eddy.
- MAT in Art Education: Professor Susan McCullough
- MAT in English Education: Professor Wendy Tronrud
- MAT in Mathematics: Professors Alice Artztand Theresa Gurl
- MAT in Science Education: Professor Stephen Farenga(Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Geology, Environmental Science, Physics)
To qualify for the Accelerated Master’s programs in SEYS, students must meet the following conditions, and have approval from the appropriate program advisor:
- Junior standing or beyond (60+ credits)
- Overall GPA of 3.0 or better
- GPA of 3.0 or better in the relevant undergraduate major.
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, up to four (4) of the following GRADUATE COURSES may be taken as free undergraduate electives—that is, these courses do not count as part of the undergraduate major; rather, they count towards the 120 total credits required of all Queens College bachelor’s degrees (these four courses represent the first year of the Initial Certification portion of the SEYS MAT):
SEYS 536. Educational Foundations
SEYS 700. Language, Literacy, and Culture in Education
SEYS 552. Educational Psychology
ECPSE 550. Foundations of Special Education
SEYS 560-564. Methods of Teaching _____ in Middle and High School
SEYS 560 for English
SEYS 561 for Mathematics
SEYS 562 for Science
SEYS 565/EECE 5333 for Art Education
Note that SEYS 536, SEYS 700, and ECPSE 550 are prerequisites for all of SEYS 560-564. MATH 385W is a prerequisite for SEYS 561. Particular language abilities are prerequisite for SEYS 564. Details may be found in the Graduate Bulletin.
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. To learn more about the Art, English, Mathematics, or Science MAT programs, speak to the relevant Graduate Advisor listed above and consult the department’s website.
- Professor Beatriz Carolina Peña
Applicants to the Accelerated MA program must have completed 45-70 credits and have a 3.0 GPA overall and in the Spanish major.
With the permission of the Graduate Advisor, potentially any GRADUATE COURSE may be taken to satisfy SPAN 390 Hispanic Literature Seminar.
In addition, the following GRADUATE COURSES may be taken as electives for the Spanish BA (replacing individual courses as noted). However, no more than 12 graduate credits taken as an undergraduate may transfer to the graduate degree program.
SPAN 772. Peninsular Spanish Culture and Thought
[Replaces SPAN 310. The Culture and Civilization of Spain]
SPAN 774. Latin American Culture and Thought
[Replaces SPAN 312. The Culture and Civilization of Latin America]
SPAN 720. Medieval Spanish Literature
[Replaces SPAN 350. Cultures and Literature in Medieval and Renaissance Iberia]
SPAN 722. Golden Age Spanish Literature
[Replaces SPAN 351. Art and Ideology in Modern Spanish Literature]
Either of:
SPAN 724. Cervantes or SPAN 725. Don Quijote
[Replaces SPAN 352. Don Quijote]
SPAN 726. Spanish Literature of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
[Replaces SPAN 353. Realism and Naturalism in Spanish Fiction]
SPAN 730. Literature of the Franco Era
[Replaces SPAN 358. Culture and Ideology in Modern Spanish Literature]
SPAN 732. Spanish Literature Since the Transition
[Replaces SPAN 359. Spanish Literature Since 1964: From Dictatorship to Democracy]
Either of:
SPAN 750. Early Colonial Literature in Latin America or
SPAN 751. Vision of the Vanquished: Indigenous and Mestizo Voices of XVI and XVII Centuries Mexico and Peru
[Replaces SPAN 370. Colonial Literature and Emerging Criollo Voices in Spanish America]
SPAN 752. Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Latin American Literature
[Replaces SPAN 373. Native peoples, Slaves, and Campesinos in Latin America]
SPAN 756. From the Avant-Garde to the Postmodern
[Replaces SPAN 371. Avant-Garde Movements in Latin America]
SPAN 758. Latin American Literature into the Twenty-First Century
[Replaces SPAN 372. Contemporary and Post-Modern Literature in Latin America]
SPAN 760. Literature of the Hispanic Caribbean
[Replaces SPAN 377. Hispanic Caribbean Literature and Culture]
SPAN 778. Cinema and Literature in the Hispanic World
[Replaces SPAN 374. Theatre and Film in Latin America: From Text to Performance]
SPAN 776. Latino/Latina Writers in the United States
[Replaces SPAN 378. Culture and Identity in U.S. Latino/Latina Literature]
SPAN 784. Research Seminar: Hispanic Literature.
[Replaces SPAN 390. Hispanic Literature Seminar]
SPAN 704. Foundations of Hispanic Linguistics
[Replaces SPAN 338. Foundations of Spanish Linguistics]
SPAN 783. Research Seminar: Hispanic Linguistics
[Replaces SPAN 391. Seminar in Spanish Language and Linguistics]
Any of:
SPAN 702. History of the Spanish Language,
SPAN 704. Foundations of Hispanic Linguistics, or
SPAN 706. Hispanic Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
[Replaces SPAN 391. Seminar in Spanish Language and Linguistics]
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) and submit an application. To learn more about the Master’s in Spanish (MA), see the department’s website, or view program requirements.
- Professor Alan Takeall
Applicants to the Accelerated MA program must have completed at least 60 credits and have a 3.0 GPA overall and in Urban Studies. As undergraduate Urban Studies majors, they may take as many as four (4) graduate electives as part of the BA in Urban Studies. These elective courses will contribute to the completion of the requirements for the undergraduate Urban Studies major.
Students in the Accelerated MA program may take the required graduate courses only when they have matriculated in the MA program, that is, after completing the undergraduate Urban Studies BA. Thus, the typical student in the Accelerated MA program will take four elective graduate courses during their junior and senior years of the BA and, during their time as a Master’s student, will take the four required graduate courses (URBST 705, two of URBST 706, 718, or 724, and one of URBST 725, 732, or 751) and two graduate electives, for a total of 18 credits.
To apply: Log into the Accelerated Degrees Online Application System using your QC username and password (CAMS account credentials, not CUNYfirst) to submit an application. To learn more about the Master’s in Urban Affairs (MA), see the department’s website, or view program requirements.