Fall 2019 to Spring 2020
Transitions to Teaching offers students the opportunity to connect with one another and with faculty/advisors through a variety of activities including formal events, small-group meetups, and informal drop-in sessions.
Due to COVID-19 the rest of the Spring sessions were held online via video conference.
Spring 2020 Events
End of Semester Celebration | May 13th, 2020
Students shared how they handled the challenges created by COVID-19, and talked about plans for summer and fall.
Learning and Teaching in Uncertain Times | April 29th, 2020
Feeling disconnected from courses and instructors? Finding it hard to get used to all of the sudden changes and shift to distance learning? With everything that’s going on now, are you wondering how teachers manage to maintain a balance between dealing with their own stress addressing the needs of their students?
Dr. Bobbie Kabuto, the Chair of EECE, Dr. Line Saint-Hilaire Augustin, the Coordinator of EECE undergraduate program and Dr. Michael Perrone, Director of EECE field experiences, discussed how COVID-19 is changing program procedures and requirements.
Notes from the Field: Strategies for Thriving in Teacher Education & Beyond | March 25th, 2020
What does it take to balance the demands of being an educator, starting right now as a prospective teacher, with the need to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle? Dr. Lourdes Rivera from the Counselor Education Program addressed the emotional challenges of getting through the teacher education program and becoming a teacher.

Everything You Need to Know About the Undergraduate Elementary Teacher Education Program | February 24th, 2020 and March 5th, 2020
As a community, Transitions to Teaching is committed to helping students get the information they need about the requirements and procedures of the elementary education program. The event was led by Dr. Line August Saint-Hilaire, the coordinator of the EECE undergraduate program. Students had the opportunity to ask questions and get up-to-date information.
Fall 2019 Events
Notes from the Field | November 07th, 2019
This was a successful event last year so we brought it back. Students heard from QC graduates currently working in NYC public schools about what it’s like to be in education full time. Our panel was composed of Dayanna Davis, Karen Abreu, Stacey Jackson, Kathryn Cox, and moderator Marina Medel (left to right). It was a great Opportunity for students to talk to professionals in the field and reassure their career goal.
Everything You Need to Know About the Undergraduate Elementary Teacher Education Program | October 30th, 2019
As a community, Transitions to Teaching is committed to helping students get the information they need about the requirements and procedures of the elementary education program. The event was led by Dr. Line August Saint-Hilaire, the coordinator of the EECE undergraduate program. Students had the opportunity to ask questions and get up-to-date information.
“Teach Us All” Documentary Screening | October 04th, 2019
It’s been decades since Brown v. Board of Education, yet American schools remain largely segregated. Teach Us All reveals powerful lessons through case studies in Little Rock, New York City, and Los Angeles. This documentary seeks to investigate: 60 years later, how far have we come – or not come – and where do we go from here ? After the screening, we had a group conversation and shared our thoughts about the film. The film is available on Netflix.
Fall for Transitions to Teaching | September 25th, 2019
At the beginning of every semester, we offer an opportunity for continuing and new TtT students to get to know one another. This event featured student discussion facilitators at tables with topics including career goals, school experiences and special interests. Students rotated among the tables like a speed dating meet and greet! They connected with other students and staff, and talked about plans for the coming year.