The Queens College Student Emergency Grant

The Queens College Emergency Grant Fund is funded through third-party donors and is intended to provide quick response emergency grants to matriculated students in good academic standing who are experiencing personal emergencies. The two foundations that make up our Queens College Emergency Grant and provide us with the funding to be able to assist students in financial emergencies are The Carroll & Milton Petrie Student Emergency Grant and The Gerstner Helping Hands Grant.

See below for a full list of eligible emergencies, but some may include risk of eviction and/or shut-off notices, and expenses due to financial emergency. The goal of this fund is to help students remain in school without interruption and successfully complete their degrees.

Students may be eligible to receive a maximum sum of $3,000 in their academic career at Queens College. This is a one-time grant that students can receive throughout their academic career for delinquent and emergency expenses.

Applicants are required to submit documentation to support their emergency request along with other supplemental documents. Applicants must submit the required documentation in order to be considered. Decisions on eligibility and the amount awarded are made on a case-by-case basis and will be determined after documentation is received. If awarded, the grant does not need to be repaid, but it may be considered taxable income, which the recipient would need to self-report.

The Emergency Grants are NOT intended to cover and will NOT consider:

  • Previous college tuition debt/expenses
  • Current full or partial tuition and fees
  • Personal debts, including credit cards and loans
  • Monthly payments or any advance payments
  • Legal representation/attorney fees in a criminal proceeding, including child support
  • Legal representation/attorney fees for CUNY disciplinary proceedings

Eligible Emergency Situations and Expenses that the Emergency Grants can consider:

  • Overdue utilities bills and service shut-off notices
  • Rent in arrears, overdue rent, threat of eviction
  • Housing assistance for homelessness
  • Medical and dental bills for uninsured medically necessary procedure
  • Destruction of living quarters due to fire, flood or other natural disaster
  • Documented theft of computer, books, clothing, or other essential belongings
  • Assistance due to recent unemployment or recent loss of income source
  • Transportation or childcare expenses (one-time or short-term)
  • Travel home for illness or death in the immediate family
  • Victims of domestic violence

Supporting Documents Required after Application Completion:

Students will be responsible for providing supporting documentation if requested to further corroborate your application and request for funding. Some examples of documentation that will be required are listed below:

  • A Letter requesting assistance and explaining the need for funds and how this financial emergency is impacting you academically and must also clearly state what the requested funds will be used on displayed in the form of an Expense T-Chart
  • Personal bank statements for the last two months downloaded PDF or scanned (screenshots are NOT acceptable) and all pages are required
  • Outstanding bills/shut off notices – any proof of delinquent/overdue expenses attached as a pdf, scan or picture (online summary and dashboard screenshots are NOT acceptable)
  • Any other corroborating documentation you wish to include or is requested that supports your emergency claim and demonstrates need
  • A completed W9 tax form from the necessary parties that should receive your overdue payment. The Emergency Grant operates through third-party payments and will release any award funding directly to the collectors on the student’s behalf.
The Queens College Student Emergency Grant Fund is not a substitute for financial hardships or financial aid. In order to be considered for the Emergency Grant Funds, students are required to pursue all available financial aid resources prior to applying. Some of these resources and opportunities can include, but are not limited to, grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study. Students who are ineligible for financial aid may still be eligible for the Emergency Grant. Financial aid status will be verified for all applications.

For more information on the program, contact the Office of Student ​Affairs via email PetrieGrant@ or call 718-997-5500.

For determination of eligibility, please submit the online application form​.

QC Student Emergency Grant Quick Information

Application Information

Please click here or the button above to apply and see your eligibility. Supporting documents will be requested.

Please note if you have received the maximum funding of $3,000 previously you may not be eligible for additional emergency funding.

Contact Information

For more information about eligible emergency situations, required supporting documentation, or any Petrie Student Emergency Grant inquiry, please contact us at:

Email: PetrieGrant@

Other Helpful Campus Resources

Emergency Fund Resources – QC Emergency Resources

Grocery Assistance – QC Knights Food Pantry 

Tuition Assistance – FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

Healthcare – QC Health Services 

Counseling – QC Counseling Services 

Public Assistance – ACCESS HRA (

Already have an open HRA case? Visit CUNY Edge

“The Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation is a private, independent grantmaking foundation that began active operation in 1998. Our grants support colleges, universities, nonprofit organizations and individuals as they work to improve education and career outcomes for low-income New Yorkers. Our goal is to ensure that all New Yorkers, particularly those from marginalized communities, have the resources and opportunities needed to reach their goals in school, work, and life.”

The Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation 

“Gerstner Philanthropies was founded by Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. and includes the Gerstner Family Foundation, founded in 1989, and other philanthropic vehicles of Mr. Gerstner and his family. Focused on supporting organizations across four major program areas—biomedical research, educational opportunities, environmental sustainability, and assistance for people who have suffered a temporary setback and could use a “helping hand” to restore their equilibrium—Gerstner Philanthropies has made over $200 million in grants since inception.”

The Gerstner Philanthropies Helping Hands