Online Student Services
QC Username
Through QC’s College Account Management System (CAMS) students manage their QC Username, which allows them access to:
- MyQC
- Help Desk
- Campus email
- Campus computers
- QC wireless network
- Library databases
- Online parking application
CUNY Portal
• CUNYfirst is the brand new system that allows you to pre-register, register, drop a course, view financial aid information, pay your QC bills, review grades, and much more.
• BlackBoard is where you can read posted course materials on the web, take part in threaded discussions, and use other course management tools.
• Degree works (also known as eCat) is the computerized degree audit program to track your progress toward graduation, as well as an academic advising tool.
Office Information
Director: ITS Help Desk
Office: DH 150
Phone: 718-997-4444
Fax: 718-997-3198
Email: helpdesk@
Technology at Queens College
Technology and online resources are not limited to the Office of Converging Technologies, but are available throughout the campus for your convenience. Need to borrow a laptop for a few hours? You can check one out at the Rosenthal Library. Kiely Hall has a Distance Learning facility and technology enhanced classrooms to support new teaching and learning experiences. Visit the online CUNY eMall to save money on computers and many other products, and check out the QC Bookstore for discounts on software.