Four people holding up a plate of sushi.
QC Campus Eats (QCCE), Queens College’s food service vendor, has opened various dining concepts around campus to serve our diverse community. 
The following locations are currently open for service:
  • The Student Union
    Hours: Monday-Thursday, 7 am-7 pm
    Grab-and-go options, including sandwiches, salads, and meals. Kosher pastries and snacks.
  • Main Dining Hall
    Hours: Monday-Thursday, 7 am-7 pm; Friday, 8 am-5 pm
    Campus Grill
  • Dining Hall Kiosks
    Hours: Monday-Thursday, 10 am-7 pm
    • Tealicious/Reem’s Grill House (HMS-certified Halal)
    • Taiwanese Yummy
    • Mama’s Kitchen (VHQ-certified Kosher)
  • Kiely Hall Kiosk
    Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8 am-4 pm
    Salads, soups, hot meals, hot and cold drinks, and select grab-and-go options.
  • The Science Building
    Hours: Monday-Thursday, 7 am-7 pm
     Grab-and-go (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and smoothies.
  • Quad
    Hours vary
    • Halal food truck
    • Mr. Sandwich food truck
    • Empanada food truck

Coming soon:
Food Service location in Queens Hall, serving salads, soups, hot meals, hot and cold drinks, and select grab-and-go options.

Note: The college and QCCE work closely with members of the college’s halal and kosher communities to ensure that the dietary law requirements of our campus community are met. QCCE offers HMS-certified (Halal Monitoring Services) halal food; kosher certifications include VHQ (Vaad Harabonim of Queens) for meat and CHK (Beis Din of Crown Heights Vaad Hakashrus) for dairy.

Four people holding up a plate of sushi.

Want to work while attending school?
We offer part-time and full-time employment opportunities. Pick up an application in the SA Diner at the Student Union.

Office Information

New food options coming soon!


Student Union
Science Building
Dining Hall
Kiely Hall